The DIC that displays your mileage, the outdoor temperature, all of your settings, etc... has been too dim to read during daylight hours. I've tried a couple of remedies suggested in forums on the internet but none have worked. Of course the first thing I did was check the fuse box(es). I even changed the ambient light sensor in the dash board. I still have the same problem. When it gets dark and the headlights come on, the DIC works at that time. One fix I found in a web forum was to reset to default factory settings. It works for about 3 seconds then fades out.
The DIC that displays your mileage, the outdoor temperature, all of your settings, etc... has been too dim to read during daylight hours. I've tried a couple of remedies suggested in forums on the internet but none have worked. Of course the first thing I did was check the fuse box(es). I even changed the ambient light sensor in the dash board. I still have the same problem. When it gets dark and the headlights come on, the DIC works at that time. One fix I found in a web forum was to reset to default factory settings. It works for about 3 seconds then fades out.
- Michael H., Montgomery, US