where do you start with this dam thing alot of it sounds just like the2001complaints.started with the marker lights changed them bout once a month .then the gauges just went below zero wont move then they just started back working .currently out again i will keep you posted.head gasket went out about91,000 1200.00 later it was over heating to just like the 01's listed.oh yeah cant forget battery is dead every week.Got me a jump box for x-mas you think my family trying to tell me something??DON'T BUY 1 IT WILL COST YOU A FORTUNE.wife scared to drive it,especially with the kids in there don't know how fast you are going and when its going to overheat when it feels like it.then they wonder why nobody wants to buy an American car.we(the people) work to hard to buy something made with problems.then they get the bail out from the government(WTF)never again JAPAN makes better longer lasting cars.wonder if they've got teamster unions over there?IF YOU ARE GETTING 25.00 DOLLARS AN HR.AND UP BUILD A CAR WORTH A DAM
where do you start with this dam thing alot of it sounds just like the2001complaints.started with the marker lights changed them bout once a month .then the gauges just went below zero wont move then they just started back working .currently out again i will keep you posted.head gasket went out about91,000 1200.00 later it was over heating to just like the 01's listed.oh yeah cant forget battery is dead every week.Got me a jump box for x-mas you think my family trying to tell me something??DON'T BUY 1 IT WILL COST YOU A FORTUNE.wife scared to drive it,especially with the kids in there don't know how fast you are going and when its going to overheat when it feels like it.then they wonder why nobody wants to buy an American car.we(the people) work to hard to buy something made with problems.then they get the bail out from the government(WTF)never again JAPAN makes better longer lasting cars.wonder if they've got teamster unions over there?IF YOU ARE GETTING 25.00 DOLLARS AN HR.AND UP BUILD A CAR WORTH A DAM
- ''q'' K., Charleston, SC, US