pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $1,240
- Average Mileage:
- 84,550 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 2 complaints
Most common solutions:
- replace bearing (1 reports)
- replaced with brass bearing cage (1 reports)

This noise began slowly and got worst with time. In less than a week, I got to the same noise level as in the video. I still had the extended warranty. Luckily and the dealer had to dismantle the transmission to find the faulty bearing. If it wasn't of the warranty, it would have cost me $1500 for the repair plus a whole week of waiting. Since the dealer didn't know which bearing to order, he had to find the right part and then wait the replacement before reassembling the transmission.
- Philippe D., Saint-Hubert, Canada
table saw noise from the electric transmission
This plastic bearing cage fails at all sorts of mileage numbers. It is not question of if it will fail, it is a question of when will it fail. The manufacturer is banking on the majority to fail after the warranty is over, the dealerships will earn a hefty payday when the bearing cage fails. See this website for more details: http://sandyblogs.com/techlink/?p=1500 . Rumor is this part was changed from brass to plastic when the test drivers reported a slight noise in the drive train, so now we owners get to pay the price of having it replaced with a brass part, when the plastic one fails. We should not have to suffer from a part failure after the warranty is over, considering using a plastic part was/is a poor engineering decision. They know it was a poor engineering design, since the replacement is now brass. As these 2011 to 2013 vehicles age with mileage, I suspect there will be more and more of this particular failure. It needs to be tracked, so a recall can be issued.
- Michael B., Dodd City, TX, US