I'm REALLY ticked! Our mechanic has replaced three sensors that the computer code says needed replaced.After replacing the last two the car started right up. He unhooked the battery cable to erase the codes, hooked it back up and the DUMB thing hasn't started since!! He has taken it all apart and finally discovered that the computer was rebuilt in 2006. We bought the car last June for our son and was not told of the rebuild.The mechanic is guessing that the computer is bad again as he can find nothing else wrong with it!! We have spent almost $1000.00 in the last month and it STILL isn't running right!!
I'm REALLY ticked! Our mechanic has replaced three sensors that the computer code says needed replaced.After replacing the last two the car started right up. He unhooked the battery cable to erase the codes, hooked it back up and the DUMB thing hasn't started since!! He has taken it all apart and finally discovered that the computer was rebuilt in 2006. We bought the car last June for our son and was not told of the rebuild.The mechanic is guessing that the computer is bad again as he can find nothing else wrong with it!! We have spent almost $1000.00 in the last month and it STILL isn't running right!!
- mommcq, Niantic, IL, US