1997 Chrysler LHS, 190,000 miles. Yesterday the anti-theft alarm went off when I manually unlocked the car and started it, my FOB batteries were dead. Bought new batteries and did the "LOCK/UNLOCK" thing and it solved the problem. Until today; I unlocked the car (with the remote) and then started it and the freaking alarm went off AGAIN!!!! I used the FOB and did the "LOCK/UNLOCK" thing again and solved the problem. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG??? THIS IS A MAJOR PAIN IN THE @&&. What a piece of s#!t.
1997 Chrysler LHS, 190,000 miles. Yesterday the anti-theft alarm went off when I manually unlocked the car and started it, my FOB batteries were dead. Bought new batteries and did the "LOCK/UNLOCK" thing and it solved the problem. Until today; I unlocked the car (with the remote) and then started it and the freaking alarm went off AGAIN!!!! I used the FOB and did the "LOCK/UNLOCK" thing again and solved the problem. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG??? THIS IS A MAJOR PAIN IN THE @&&. What a piece of s#!t.
- Darin S., Ypsilanti, MI, US