the mechanical side door when it gets "hot" out does NOT close automatically. It will bounce back open as if something is there in the way (As it is designed) so then you have to manually pull door to close. In the cold months is does NOT do this, only when its hot. I brought it to dealer to fix & Suretsky's in NY Tech NEVER fixed it, but it was on complaint report.
Warranty is gone & again awaiting for that followup phone call.
the mechanical side door when it gets "hot" out does NOT close automatically. It will bounce back open as if something is there in the way (As it is designed) so then you have to manually pull door to close. In the cold months is does NOT do this, only when its hot. I brought it to dealer to fix & Suretsky's in NY Tech NEVER fixed it, but it was on complaint report.
Warranty is gone & again awaiting for that followup phone call.
- ny4weezie, Florida, NY, US