This fault code has been popping up for the past few days now! The fault description reads cylinder #1 misfire detected! There is no apparent misfire, the MIL lamp is on & it has a rough idle at times! Sometimes while you're driving the MIL lamp will start flashing & other times it will just remain on! If you know of the solution please notify this site!
I've been told it could be the ignition coil, the spark plugs or the engine speed &/or reference sensor! I would just like to confirm what component is causing the problem before I end up purchasing all the components only to find that none of them are faulty!
- Robert S.,
Brackenfell, Western Cape, South Africa
This fault code has been popping up for the past few days now! The fault description reads cylinder #1 misfire detected! There is no apparent misfire, the MIL lamp is on & it has a rough idle at times! Sometimes while you're driving the MIL lamp will start flashing & other times it will just remain on! If you know of the solution please notify this site!
I've been told it could be the ignition coil, the spark plugs or the engine speed &/or reference sensor! I would just like to confirm what component is causing the problem before I end up purchasing all the components only to find that none of them are faulty!
- Robert S., Brackenfell, Western Cape, South Africa