pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $500
- Average Mileage:
- 34,150 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 7 complaints
Most common solutions:
- not sure (6 reports)
- replace clutch (1 reports)
This problem may be covered under warranty. Ask your Dodge dealer.
I bought this vehicle on 9/30/17 from a Toyota dealership in Ohio. Carfax on this vehicle is clean, car is in great shape, and this vehicle appears to have been well taken care of. I check this carcomplaints.com and it says to "avoid this car like the plague." I start reading about all the issues this car has and my heart sank. I don't race cars down the street and I take very good care of my vehicles. The day after I bought this Dart the clutch was halfway to the floor. I went to start the car and couldn't put it into gear. I noticed that the master cylinder was acting like it had failed. I lifted the pedal up with my foot and I could finally shift into gear. It has happened twice now since I've had it home. I will be paying on this car for the next 6 years or so and feel screwed that I traded my 2002 Dodge Ram in for this car. Very irritating how Dodge has gone down hill since Fiat purchased Chrysler.
- Blake B., Lexington, US
Not impressed with this car. Has driven well and fun to drive but I'm starting to think it's not worth the issues that keep coming up. Only done 14,000 miles. (Turbo replaced at 12,500 miles) Got in the car today and pressed the clutch in and it stayed on the floor. Car started and had to lift the clutch off the deck many times until it finally began operating, all but a bit lightly. Drove it for about 15 minutes and it was almost back to normal. Called dealership and got a service date in 10 days. Hopefully it'll remain driveable until then. BUT... I was told that if the problem doesn't show up they'll do nothing. This is an common problem with these cars. Should be a recall fix. Seriously considering trading it in.
- Mark F., Maple Grove, MN, US

I've had clutch issues since the day I drove my Dodge dart off the lot and they have pretty much told me that they did not believe me and that it was impossible! The clutch would stick in and I would have to pop it up with my foot. I would take my car in and even left it for a couple days and they just told me they couldn't reproduce the problem. And the "Specialist" said what I was telling them about the clutch is impossible! Then weeks later my clutch has been replaced twice now.
- Melissa B., Sapulpa, OK, US
my car the 2013 dart rallye 1.4 t mult air man 6 speed. the clutch pedal has always felt spongy like nothing there but has always responded correctly. i have owned numerous manual transmission vehicles for the sake of fuel economy that typically is better than automatics and overall less maintenence if operated correctly. cost efficient in long run except in this case. i have brought it back to the dealer numerous times with the same complaint. clutch pedal to the floor and early in am when going to work. had to pull pedal back up and continue to pump clutch pedal up and down numerouse times to get pressure back before starting or cant disengauge clutch. (note there was no fluid loss of any kind @ 72000 have never added and still full.) this problem i knew as a intermittent problem would be hard to find as i have been a mechanic for 40 years. and know about intermittent problems and warrenty . but if you google this problem on this car it has been a complaint since day 1 on all manual darts. this complaint is well documented. and chrysler customer care says no clutch part of any kind is 100,000 mi drive train warrenty in fact after 12,000 mi i have 2 claim numbers from chrysler customer claim to back this up. i was able to drive this car to the current mi 72,000 the problem would act up at first every couple months and gradually got worse i complained to brian beamis dodge in sycamore ill at every oil change and they coudnt replicate prob sometimes would write it down on service ticket. most of the time not so i cant document when first occured.i brought it to a different dealer dempsey dodge in plano ill they said it was the third one they have seen with this problem but could not replicate. will not fix so a few months later every morning. this happens so i left it with them sure enough they finally found problem and said cost 542.00 to fix that was 3 weeks ago. i also saw a service bulliten dated aug 2015 describing this problem and fix a new style master and tubing to clutch slave cyl. so far in 3 weeks time i have been promised 3 times the parts will be in fri mon or wensday still have no parts they said vender hasnt supplied. i am beyond pissed. i have to pay for a known problem under drive train warrenty with no parts to fix i have 2 chrysler claim numbers and 2 service tickets for documentation from chrysler and bemis and no car. one thing positive i will say about dempsy dodge in plano as they provided me a loner as they would not give me my car back till fixed.i have other issues with this car that will write about on another feed
- peteball01, earlville, IL, US
Basically I bought my Dodge Dart brand new last year, it's coming up to be a year old. I have had issues with it overheating in traffic though the dealer states they couldn't duplicate the issue. Now I'm noticing that the clutch is sticking and it's making it hard and sometimes impossible to shift gears. I've called 4 dealers, they are all booked and I would have to pay for a rental in order to drop it at the one I bought it from because they've not heard of any issues, which is funny because I see tons of issues being posted. So Chrysler basically said I'm sol as well and am stuck paying for a rental until they can look at it and hopefully fix it.
The problem is it's not every time, it's usually when it's really hot or it's been raining or I've been in a little bit of traffic. But it is dangerous, I've almost been to were I can't get it out of first gear and am in a busy intersection. HOW does Chrysler not know about this ??????? Is anyone on here having issues?. Anyone have any type of resolution? This sadly is my first new car experience .. :( .. disappointed.
- Nicole M., jacksonville, FL, US
This is the third time the clutch has stuck. It hasn't cause an accident yet but time will tell. Took it to the dealers to check it.
- Nellie P., Orrville, OH, US
The manual transmission clutch systems defects have caused the clutch pedals to lose pressure and stick to the floors. This prevents gears from engaging and disengaging and allegedly causes clutch failures, This happened when I was driving on the freeway and had to pull over and restart my car.
- Robert C., Lancaster, US