pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $490
- Average Mileage:
- 81,200 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 107 complaints
Most common solutions:
- not sure (64 reports)
- the dealership tells me nothing is wrong with the car (18 reports)
- replaced EGR valve myself (5 reports)
- remove, wait, then replace batteries in keys (2 reports)
- replace o2 censor and key (2 reports)
- replaced a solenoid in the transmission (2 reports)
This problem may be covered under warranty. Ask your Dodge dealer.
« Read the previous 20 complaints
SO My car died with my husband, MIL and 2 small kids (3 and 1) in it! luckily we were in a neighbor hood goign really slow, It then happened to me again today! on a main road where we live going 35+ miles an hour! shuts off!!! but the radio and everything else is still working! Wouldnt be as bad but my kids are always in the car with me! And DODGE WONT DO A THING FOR IT!!! I Wish i knew how to complain to dodge!
- Laura B., Medford, OR, US
Well, it looks as if I am not alone. Another Dodge Durango owner who is dealing with a car that stalls without ANY warning. I am a mother of 2 small children (6 years old and 4 years old). This vehicle is my family vehicle. Right now it is very unsafe to drive my children in this vehicle when I do not know when it is going to STOP driving. My family and I live in Brooklyn, NY which has city like driving conditions. Bumper to bumper traffic is not the ideal place for your car to stop driving. The vehicle has been doing this for 6 months now and the dealer sends us home telling us they cannot reproduce the problem, so there is nothing wrong. UGH!
- caferris, Brooklyn, NY, US
This has been an ongoing issue with our Dodge. The first time it happened was in 2008 with about 40,000 miles on it. It is totally at random. I'm always able to pop it into Neutral and start it back up again as if nothing ever happened. The biggest problem with this is not only that the engine totally shuts off(as if that isn't a huge issue initself), but that the power steering/power brakes go out as well making the possibility of an accident a huge issue. After taking it to the dealer several times, being told they couldn't replicate the problem or pull any codes. In order for them to find the problem, they would need to charge me $80.00/hour to even diagnose it, with a minimum diagnosis cost of $800.00, and that didn't include the cost to repair the problem(I of course told them there was no way I would pay them that for an obvious defective issue).
At this point Dodge needs to resolve this since I am not the only one experiencing this HUGE safety issue. I urge EVERYONE to also submit this problem to the NHTSA. I will be submitting my complaint each time the problem occours and I suggest you all do the same to finally resolves this huge safety issue. Here is the link:
- Melissa P., Hillsboro, OR, US
We have had nothing but problems with this vehicle. The engine stalling was just the tip of the iceberg! My wife drives the Durango and is transporting our three kids everyday. The vehicle will will just stall out at a red light or in the middle of a turn. We have taken it to the dealership several times but they insist that nothing is wrong! This is a very scary situation that no one seems able to address.
- Anthony B., Christiana, TN, US
My 2005 Dodge Durango has the check engine light on. Took it in they say it's the EGR valve or possibly just needs to be reprogrammed. While driving on a winding road the car while die (I loose all power, steering, breaks, etc.) and I will have to stop turn the key to off then turn car back on and take off. It's happened several times in the same spot. I'm extremely scared because I have my children with me all the time. I am scared it will happen while I'm turning in front of oncoming traffic! Like someone else wrote someone is going to get hurt bad or maybe even die! Why isn't Dodge doing anything???? Cheap Assholes...
- Amber J., Fallbrook, CA, US
Bought the EGR valve for approximately $50, had a mechanic friend change it because it was impossible for me to do.
- Richard K., Whittier, CA, US
Engine stalls when coming to a stop. No warning. VERY UNSAFE. HELP!!!
- Aaron R., Front Royal, VA, US
I bought my Durango new so I know how it has been taken care of and driven. The first time I remember it happening was turning a corner at a stop light. Not much thought of it at the time and didn't do it again for quite some time. It only had around 30000 miles or less at that time. Later on I used my Durango delivering newspapers and if you have seen a newspaper delivery they drive hard and fast. I drove it very hard with sharp cornering and it began doing it again and more frequent. Then the engine light came on and then it wouldn't start when it was time to leave to deliver papers. I was able to start it by disconnecting the battery and letting everything reset itself. I will only mess with dealers and mechanics as a last resort so I had Autozone put their tester on it and it said it was the EGR valve but of course it was a dealer item only. I was expecting to pay well over a $100 from the dealer considering I had just bought one for a 97 Plymouth Neon from Autozone for $70 but to my surprise it was only in the $30 range. I replaced it myself and have not had a problem with it since and I now have well over 100,000 miles on it. I actually love my Durango and wouldn't give it up for anything even with some of the minor issues. I have put my Durango through just about anything and it still drives and runs like new.
- eng42day, Winfield, MO, US
well the durango used to run like a champ. we drove it from the great state of texas to missouri multiple times, took it to the beach from austin to corpus. went all over texas driving to volleyball games, and the torque converter was the only problem we experienced until now. the dang thing will run fine one day and the check engine light will be on like its an oxygen sensor then other days it will die if you look at it wrong. it started by sayin it was the cam sensor. changed that no solution. then it came up as a crank sensor. changed it no solution. then it puts out like 14 codes now saying some crap about the BAROMETRIC PRESSURE SENSOR IN BANK 1.
its freaking insane how many stupid codes this thing pushes. my dad and mom drive this thing all the time and its dumb that they have to put thier lives at risk because the thing will die going down interstate. i've had enough of this but they are way to deep in this thing to get rid of it. please send any information you might have about the problems that you might have experienced and let me know what you have done and tell me if the only solution that can be thought of is setting the thing on fire and pushing it off a cliff
- Cody A., Aurora, MO, US
Ok so I have read all the BEEF's on this problem. The truck stalls without warning! I have the same issue. I put $3400.00 into it to fix the issue and still nothing. I live in FL and drive an hour to and from work on the highway in 90+ degree weather. Yes it has stalled in heavy slow traffic. Like everyone else I will be in a parking lot, or pulling into my driveway which is a sharp turn and it wants to shut its self off. I have also stalled at a red light or a stop sign. So far the dodge works better if I do not run the AC in heavy traffic or in-town driving. But its cool now and I don't think I will be able to deal with the 90+ degree weather in July or August.
This is huge problem and needs to fixed. We spend our hard earned money on a product that should keep us safe. I owe over $12,000 on the Dodge still, and I am thinking to get rid of it regardless of the situation. I have 2mo old son and he means more to me than the financial crap I will have to go through to get rid of this POS. When Do We Get Our Bail OUT!
Update from Nov 30, 2010: So after spending the 3500.00 we still have had idling issues and stalling issue. I just spent another 2000.00 to fix the issue. This time I had the valves cleaned and new heads put on. I was told this kind of job usually does not happen until around 150K miles. I'm WAY under 100K. The job was done about a month ago and I will be dropping it off at the dealer ship again tonight so they can hook up the computer and tell me what I already know. There is enough complaints/blogs/strings/ out on the web that Dodge needs to be thinking about the people who keep them in business - "US" - and fix the crap. Durango's are not the only one's affected I have read the sames exact complaints about Dodge RAM 1500 trucks as well. I personally think this is not just a one part issue but a domino effect issue. one part goes that makes another part work harder and break that makes another part work harder and that breaks. I have read that it could be an electrical thing, a sensor thing, valve. Nothing is fixing the issue. Our loved ones are on the line and DODGE does not care to recall because it would put them in the RED.
- ornum, Riverview, FL, US
My 2005 Dodge Durango 5.7L HEMI is a piece of crap. I will never buy another one. I have been having a problem with it stalling without warning. The check engine lights comes on and off continuously. I am told that the code for it is the EGR valve. I have taken it to a few different repair shops, but of course no one seems to know why it keeps stalling. As far as the EGR valve, why does it cost so much to replace? I agree with another writer on this site, if Dodge knows about this problem of the engine stalling for no reason, then there will be hell to pay.
- bigdurango, La Vergne, TN, US
I have just gone and picked up my 05 Durango. They searched and found something to help correct a "Bad Engine Idle" situation in the computer code. So they updated the computer with the new release of the code and said that they think this will take care of things. I will report back if it didn't fix things but it sounds like a good start. Now if someone could just help me figure out why my garage door opener keeps opening my garage at random times by itself...
- Kevin S., Dane, WI, US
Vehicle stalls when slowing down or making turn while breaking. Also missing real bad.
- dagent, Marion, KY, US
I bought this SUV back in Oct 2005. The first winter ... HERE IN SOUTHEAST TEXAS ... the truck stalls when I'm pulling into a parking space in work. It did that maybe twice that winter. Then in summer of 2006, when I was 8 months pregnant, my struck wouldn't start. I had roadside assistance on the phone to tow it for free to a dealership ... and after an hour of waiting in the heat ... the truck decided to start. NO CHECK ENGINE LIGHT HAD EVER COME ON. The truck may have been taken in once for this reason but they never found anything wrong. NOW ... the check engine light has been on and off on and off for about a year. It stalls when coming to a stop... usually same place in the neighborhood when we first drive it in the morning. I have three small children. This problem is equivalent to seat belts coming undone in mid commute. If anything happens to my family because of this problem that Chrysler is well aware of ... it will be the biggest class action lawsuit against a manufacturer that the world has ever seen. I'll make sure I have every single Durango taken off the street. I am a nurse right now and plan on going to law school after I finish my bachelor's degree in nursing. Chrysler has a little more time to get their stuff together ... before something happens ... and they have to fight me and thousands of others ... for the biggest settlement in history. Families deserve safe vehicles. This is America. Build us reliable cars or we'll go foreign. Build us unsafe, unreliable cars that get our families hurt, and America has just become your biggest nightmare. We are a nation. We are strong. We will be heard.
- DAnna A., Pearland, TX, US
Our durango kept stalling when backing up, turning, and then just driving. We took it to a dealership a couple of times and they found nothing. The last time we took it we told them that it was theirs until it was fixed, that was two weeks ago. They found that we needed new plug wires(which we did ourselves) and that we needed a new pedal position sensor assembly. We have not had any problems since then and the HEMI runs like it is brand new now. It also fixed the low idle problem.
- mcfamily, Concordia, MO, US
what the hell stalls out all the time just got this crapper two months ago and hate it!!!!
- Mary H., Fitchburg, MA, US
The Dodge Durango has stalled on me trying to back out of a parking lot,and trying to turn in to a parking lot and also when i was trying to backup.and the last time it stalled is when i was coming home from work when the rail road lights started flashing i was slowing down to stop when the truck stalled making me lose braking i was already coming to a crawl when it stalled,i tried putting it in neutral and to restart it but it wouldn't start till i came to a complete stop.by the time the truck stopped the front of the durango was on the tracks with the southern rail roaring down blarring the horn.it started with no problem with only seconds to spare.took it to the dealer but they say can't find the problem.what the hell.why is there no recall on this
- bostonitalian3, Loudon, TN, US
- Robby C., Boiling Springs, SC, US
When backing out of a driveway, parking spot, etc. the vehicle will stall unexpectedly. The dealership was at a loss to find the issue. This was coupled with a delayed response from the transmission when shifting into reverse also.
- monicar, Sheffield Lake, OH, US
The vehicle likes to just shut off when I am driving, usually around 30-45 mph. This has happened 3 times! I haven't had it checked out because it doesn't seem to happen enough to warrant getting it looked at. I don't want to have it looked and find it nothing can be found and then I've wasted money getting it looked at. But my husband said we should at least look it up on the web to find out if there is a recall or something. Since the problem only seems to happen when I am driving it, my husband can't exactly pinpoint the problem himself. Frustration, frustration, frustration!
- josie3323, Fort Lewis, WA, US