pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $490
- Average Mileage:
- 81,200 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 107 complaints
Most common solutions:
- not sure (64 reports)
- the dealership tells me nothing is wrong with the car (18 reports)
- replaced EGR valve myself (5 reports)
- remove, wait, then replace batteries in keys (2 reports)
- replace o2 censor and key (2 reports)
- replaced a solenoid in the transmission (2 reports)
This problem may be covered under warranty. Ask your Dodge dealer.
Misfiring piece of junk 5.7 Hemi engine. I want to put a bullet in this engine and put it out of its misery. I was pulling out of my parking spot at work and the engine starts to spitting and sputtering. I get out of the parking lot and the check engine light comes on and then went out. I carry an OBII code reader at all times because the truck wants to have problems all the time. I got lucky and pulled a code for o2 sensor Bank 2 sensor 1 P0152 O2 Sensor Circuit High Voltage. This will make the third sensor out of 4 that will get replaced due to engine misfiring. I'm lucky that I have the tools and knowledge to work on this hunk of junk. I've saved a lot of money doing it myself. The Durango does not age well and would urge you to get rid of it unless you like working on it constantly to get you where you need to go. Dodge can care less and have moved on to the next Death trap to sell you. I'm kidding (kind of). Good luck.
- Brian P., Endicott, NY, US
I was doing ~70MPH on the highway when the red 'oil' light came on, on the dash. The engine died completely a few minutes later, and would not restart. The power steering was out as I pushed it to the side of the busy highway, and waited ~2 hours for a tow.
Got it to the mechanic today, and as you can likely tell already I'm not mechanically inclined, and will try to update my complaint fully with the solutions taken to resolve this issue (for me). Mechanic said a common issue with Durango's is there's a engine kill switch when the engine believes it's very low on oil, and this is likely what caused my engine to cut out. Mechanic in South Florida said it wasn't showing codes on the OBD scanner, but that replacing this part (again, I will try to update the exact name of this part) for ~$150 would resolve my issue. He believed this is what happened because my truck was not low on oil, but perhaps this sensor was bad, and told my engine that oil was low, and to kill the engine. (or is how this was roughly explained to me)
Please let me know if anyone has any questions, and I will try to explain my experience with this any better.
- Skeezy M., Saint Petersburg, FL, US
My Durango was serviced on 2/23/2018 with regular upkeep stuff like new battery, oil change, ect. About a week later, my RPMs would jump and drop while on the highway.
On 3/10/2018, I started my car and drove a few blocks and it did just fine, later that evening, i drove about 4 blocks and my engine died. NO CHECK ENGINE LIGHT, i was able to start right back up and make it about a block before it died again, able to restart it and make it home before my engine died again.
I took it to the shop and they told me that NO CODES could be pulled and that my car was shorting out due to my radiator and water pump. We replaced those and my thermostat and they said it should be fine. Drove the car about 15 miles or less and it died again. So i took it to the next shop and they could not tell me anything because it never died or acted up in their care. So they told me to drive it until it does it again. The damn thing died two blocks away from the shop.
The guys at the shop told me to go fill up my gas tank and put fuel injector cleaner in it. I didn't have any problems making it home or to work the next day. I was headed to lunch the next day and it dies before i even leave the work parking lot. I drive home and it dies twice, all able to start right back up. I live maybe 5 minutes away from my job and my gas tank went from full to half a tank just by going to work and home.
Today, I left work and made it a couple of blocks from home when it died and would not start back up!! I had to tow my car home. The DODGE house says its 150.00 dollars to just pull the car into their bays and when it doesn't show codes or the engine light is not on, they can not do any thing further and send me on my way. They obviously have a problem with this death trap and they need to fix it.
- Kayla P., Amarillo, US
So now the 4th time this has happened. After driving back from Dallas, (a 3 hour trip one way), I was pulling out of a McDonalds parking lot on to the highway and my truck shut off again. This time, my husband and my 6 year old son were in the truck with me. This is going to cause a wreck. I am livid that Dodge will not fix this problem. We should get together and sue them. This is ridiculous.
Again there was no indication this was going to happen. After replacing the spark plugs and 02 senor the night before our trip, because this happened, I expected this problem to be fixed. This has terrifying to know that I will not know when this will happen again. I will not know if my children will be in the car. I do not have the money to fix this. I am still paying off this stupid thing. Why does Dodge think people's lives do not matter enough to fix this???? I just want them to fix this problem. I have an appointment with the Dodge dealership next week and hopefully they will come up with something even though I seriously doubt it since no one else has seemed to find a solution either. This makes me so angry.... This is the only truck I have to get me back and forth to work, or my kids back and forth to their practices. I am scared to put my children in this death trap of a truck. Wake up Dodge.... Someone is going to be killed in this thing. I feel like Dodge just doesn't care about people's lives. I mean, if you can't stand behind your product and fix something as serious as this, then you LOSE CUSTOMERS! Not only do you loose the customers who you ignore by not fixing this problem, but you also loose those potential customers that us highly pissed off customers tell about how you are neglectful about your products and you only care about lining your pockets instead of making sure the people behind the wheel of your truck are safe. How can you recall an air bag that has NO WAY TO FIX, but will not recall something as serious as this. I have had to have my gas tank replaced, my instrument panel replaced and an air bag fixed, and one that has a recall but no way to fix it yet... however you will not recall the trucks that are messed up... And to just think, there are more than likely more people out there having this issue, but did not write a complaint or have had wrecks because of this happening.... How many people have not used this site or have had wrecks and have been killed that we just don't know about.... ???????
- cknoble, Harleton, TX, US
I see that there are thousands of complaints about this issue with Dodge Durangos, and an official recall has not been made! Although, I have not had an accident, I have read that others have had accidents occur because of the power getting cut off, which means no power steering, and having to get the vehicle to the side of the road. Come on Dodge/Chrysler!
- Paul M., Kingsland, GA, US
Another time when my engine shut off!
I commute 30-45 minutes to work everyday one way. This time, I had driven all the way to work and pulled in to the median getting ready to turn into the parking lot when I noticed my Durango had died. About a week before I notice it started idling funny at times. Then it had shut off again on that morning. There were no lights to indicate the truck had shut off, no hesitating before, no "choking", nothing. It just shut off. I had to restart my truck.
Then on the way home, while on the highway, I had just topped a hill and was going down, I applied the brakes to stop so I could turn on to the road I live on... when the blasted thing shut off again. NO POWER STEERING AND NO BRAKES!!!!!! This caused me to almost run into a ditch and almost hit a stop sign. Again, there were no indications that this happened or was going to happen. Just out of the blue, it shut off.
When I got home, I had my brother in law come hook his scanner up to it, since the check engine light was on. It had been on since we bought because the O2 Senor was out. He had a code that the 02 senor was out and that it was misfiring. I quickly went to town to get them, because I had a 3 hour one way trip to Dallas for my youngest son's Dyslexia Appointment we had been waiting 5 months for early this next morning. My brother in law replaced my spark plugs because all but 2 were working and the 02 senor.
I thought that had fixed my problems.... but sadly it did not.... because it did it again the next day. Dodge needs to fix this problem immediately. It is putting peoples lives in jeopardy because they don't want to fix what they should have made properly the first time.
- cknoble, Harleton, TX, US
1.) My commute to work is 30-45 minutes one way depending on traffic.
1st time (will add another 3 complaints for the other 3 times this has happened....)
Friday afternoon, I picked up my 2 smaller kids at daycare... boy 6 & girl 9. I then picked up to 2 of my son's (age 13) friends on the way home.
While coming to the stop sign at a busy highway intersection, my Durango died. Luckily I was not going fast and was able to stop. I had to put it in park, and restart my truck. There was no warning, no sputtering, no rough idle, it just shut off. No lights came on to indicate that the truck was even off. There were no brakes and no steering.... How scary is that...
Now I am very disappointed that Dodge has not fixed this problem. Not only does it put my life, my children's lives and other children's lives at risk, but also the people in another car if my truck was not to have stopped. This is a very serious problem and it needs to be addressed or Dodge should be sued. I do not understand how a company could look at this and not want to fix this problem... It is a shame.
I spoke with the car dealer that I bought the Durango from, and they informed me, I bought it used and they would not do anything about it. How freaking sad is that. That car dealer will sell a car and will not even stand by it. This dealer, Carry All Cars in Longview TX, has had more then my complaint about selling cars that are not reliable and break down with in weeks of purchase. Even making the people bring the cars back, or repo-ing the cars and keeping their down payments and weekly payments. THIS GOOD FOR NOTHING DEALER, had the nerve to tell another customer since they could not make their weekly payment because they had to fix the car, they had to bring the car back. And now with mine, she told me, that I only paid $1600 for the Durango, so what kind of truck did I think I was getting.... OMG!!!!! NOT ONE THAT IS A FATALITY WAITING TO HAPPEN.....
- cknoble, Harleton, TX, US
Its scary when I'm driving down the road my vehicle shuts off, and I have to pull over, come to a stop a d restart the vehicle. The vehicle acts like it doesn't want to stay cranked... it idles funny (sluggish almost)
- bamagirl2016, Semmes, AL, US
When I purchased the vehicle I had a problem within 30 days. The vehicle will stall out while I was driving. The dealership fixed the problem under the warranty. Just one year later it's starting to stall out once again and now I have no warranty. It cuts off while I am driving on the freeway, turning corners, and in local traffic. It is very scary especially when there is traffic behind me.
- Lisette T., Youngstown, US
Just want to add to the list of similar complaints I had read on this site and many others. Car starts fine, runs fine, but when decelerating or creeping along in traffic or finding a parking space, car shuts off. No lights on dash, no error codes. Always starts up again fine though, as if nothing had happened.
When sitting at lights idling, sometimes the revs will drop to 300 or rise up to 1200, up and down, up and down. I have to wait for the right moment to accelerate, or vehicle will die. Had crank and camshaft sensors replaced. No difference. Car currently at dealers - they want to replace (no, not clean, but replace) whole throttle body assembly, but they admit that they are guessing.
I have called Dodge to log in this problem. Still waiting for a call back from their 'Star' tech to see if they can shed any light on this problem.
I have read a few threads which sound promising - the thing I find annoying the most is that the dash does not show any lights (engine check, ABS etc) when the car shuts off. Whatever is failing is clearly fooling the computer and the car still thinks it is running! Very dangerous, but no one has been able to pinpoint the problem yet.
- traceyb8655, Kissimmee, FL, US
I could be just driving my car and out of no where my car shuts off and I no longer have access to my brakes and my power steering is gone. I have 4 children in the car and it is very dangerous! There are no warnings when its about to happen. This year I have put in a new engine, starter, alternator, brakes, new key and battery and we have no clue whats wrong with the vehicle.
- Chanell S., Pittsburgh, PA, US
Several stalls since 2008. Causing accident in 2013. Only way to get Dodge to fix this is to complain to Highway Safety Transportation Board
- jwr, Klamath Falls, OR, US
I had the issue of driving completely fine and the engine would just shut off during the flow of traffic. The instrument panel would be fine and the truck would just be coasting like everything was fine. But in all actuality its the scariest feeling in the world when you have muscle your truck on the highway going 60 miles an hr in traffic due to not having any power steering or brakes working.
I went to the Dodge dealership and was told that it must be an isolated incident and that there was no recall for my truck. I also talked to the dealership about an issue gas would shoot out of my truck while filling up and that I received a letter about the issue being a recalled problem, and they said that no dealership in their network database had any recall notices. So as of now I don't fill my truck past 3/4 of a tank because of that issue.
- Rashad M., Lawrenceville, GA, US
Just another time of cutting off while on road. dangerous
- Phylllis B., Monroe, US
The Durango cuts off going down road very dangerous one test said it was the key so I replaced it. They also said the O2 censor showed up too. Have not replaced it yet.
- Phylllis B., Monroe, US
Cutting off while driving mainly when slowing down or turning
- Phylllis B., Monroe, US
Stalling at every stop, idling crap. Chrysler needs get stuff together, been on-hold now 50 minutes and waiting, bad, bad, bad business.
- Francis S., Sykesville, PA, US
Its sad when you're driving down the road and the vehicle just shuts off with no warning at highway speed in 5 lanes of traffic! Now I understand that Chrysler has known about this issue for some time. That's your reward for loyalty. That's just not fair to the consumer! You would think that Chrysler would be on top of this before there would be potential for litigation. IE, personal injury accidents. Life is priceless, what is Chrysler thinking.!?
- kevinwv, Keyser, WV, US
Durango stalls while driving. Happen while I was turning onto an on ramp to go on the freeway. I was lucky not to have been hit by the car behind me. Sometimes it happens when I am trying to park. Sometime it happens when I start the vehicle, it starts then it just is off. There are no warning lights, nothing when this happens. I have taken this to the Moss dealership in Riverside twice. They keep the vehicle but they don't have it happen so I am driving this vehicle not knowing when or where it will stall out. I think this is dangerous, but they are not giving me answers.
- Gloria B., Riverside, CA, US
My Durango is spitting and sputtering again. This is the 2nd time in within a year. I replaced a crank sensor last year and now I changed out the cam sensor ( I also cleaned the MAF sensor & throttle body). I did not get a code for the cam sensor, but did finally get a P0300 (multiple misfire). P0300 is a useless code. After reading forums and Youtubing I found out once again the 5.7 hemi has a common issue with cam sensor crapping out and causing the engine to misfire. This a fun little bugger to change. It is in tight spot under the alternator. Poor design. If I can spend about 15 min searching around the internet and find multiple issues with Dodge Durangos, why can't Dodge do the same and fix their junk? I'm ready to go back to Fords.
- Brian P., Endicott, NY, US