It's weird, I took it to the garage on 11/2 because the transmission was slipping in and out of gear. The mechanic change the transmission fluid ( he isn't a transmission specialist) And it was fine for a few days. Then on the way to work it was slipping in and out of gear again. Then it didn't do it for 2 or 3 days. I was under the impression if the transmission was going that it would progressively get worse. I am just driving it till it blows, I really don't want to put the money in it to fix it not knowing how long it will last.
It's weird, I took it to the garage on 11/2 because the transmission was slipping in and out of gear. The mechanic change the transmission fluid ( he isn't a transmission specialist) And it was fine for a few days. Then on the way to work it was slipping in and out of gear again. Then it didn't do it for 2 or 3 days. I was under the impression if the transmission was going that it would progressively get worse. I am just driving it till it blows, I really don't want to put the money in it to fix it not knowing how long it will last.
- Becky D., Weld, ME, US