after driving for about one mile, my temperture and oil pressure gauges creeps up and peg out to the maximun indication, meanwhile my amp indicator is taking a dip in the minus direction while my engine starts modulating and skipping. The engine runs like it has a clogged fuel filter. This happen in cycles, the indicators creeps back to the normal position before cycling back to the unsafed positions. No idiot lights comes on. I changed the computer module, no changes, same problems. Does this make any sense to you?
after driving for about one mile, my temperture and oil pressure gauges creeps up and peg out to the maximun indication, meanwhile my amp indicator is taking a dip in the minus direction while my engine starts modulating and skipping. The engine runs like it has a clogged fuel filter. This happen in cycles, the indicators creeps back to the normal position before cycling back to the unsafed positions. No idiot lights comes on. I changed the computer module, no changes, same problems. Does this make any sense to you?
- cglenn4035, Tolleson, AZ, US