My transmission is an electronic type being a 1997. It's having trouble going into and staying in high gear. I've heard alot of nightmare stories about the Dodge transmissions, especially around the 95-120,000 mile mark. So far I've had the filter changed-nope that's not it. Physically I am unable to do the work myself. So, money is an issue and I can't afford to have a mechanic do a trial and error fix-up. Which direction should I take from here?
My transmission is an electronic type being a 1997. It's having trouble going into and staying in high gear. I've heard alot of nightmare stories about the Dodge transmissions, especially around the 95-120,000 mile mark. So far I've had the filter changed-nope that's not it. Physically I am unable to do the work myself. So, money is an issue and I can't afford to have a mechanic do a trial and error fix-up. Which direction should I take from here?
- David N., Largo, FL, US