My wife was taking her 2017 Edge in for tire pressure sensor checks and took an exit, she hit the brake pedal all the way to the floor and crashed her car. The car is now completely totaled. The sheriff was a complete asshole and gave my wife a citation for failure to stop and didn't believe my wife. I'm at a total loss here. It was such an unfortunate thing. He didn't believe my wife at all and said she was on her phone.
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My wife was taking her 2017 Edge in for tire pressure sensor checks and took an exit, she hit the brake pedal all the way to the floor and crashed her car. The car is now completely totaled. The sheriff was a complete asshole and gave my wife a citation for failure to stop and didn't believe my wife. I'm at a total loss here. It was such an unfortunate thing. He didn't believe my wife at all and said she was on her phone.
- drdschrod, Cedar Rapids, US