The whole truck shudders when the transmission down shifts on the highway upon coming to a hill. The problem occurs mostly at 40 mph and above. It feels like you drove over a highway separation joint. It's that quick and that forceful.
Update from Sep 26, 2013: Brought the truck into the dealer and had there transmission mechanic take a ride with me. I could make the problem happen at will. He experienced it several times. He stated it was probably tork converter shutter, possible due to transmission fluid breaking down. He recommended a transmission flush. He stated if cought in the beginning it would probably fix the problem. They flushed the transmission and the truck is shifting as good as new. Ford also has an additive for the this problem to add to the fluid.
The whole truck shudders when the transmission down shifts on the highway upon coming to a hill. The problem occurs mostly at 40 mph and above. It feels like you drove over a highway separation joint. It's that quick and that forceful.
Update from Sep 26, 2013: Brought the truck into the dealer and had there transmission mechanic take a ride with me. I could make the problem happen at will. He experienced it several times. He stated it was probably tork converter shutter, possible due to transmission fluid breaking down. He recommended a transmission flush. He stated if cought in the beginning it would probably fix the problem. They flushed the transmission and the truck is shifting as good as new. Ford also has an additive for the this problem to add to the fluid.
- Robert M., Bristol, CT, US