I was driving down a hwy and got hit in the drivers side from front bumper to passenger door. This was a super crew cab F150 4x4 Lariat. A Jeep and Chevy truck hit me in the front and a van hit me in the rear end. My drivers side wheel was shoved up under the truck passenger wheel blown out the repair bill was at $25,000 before they decided to total the truck -but the catch is; not one air bag went off in my truck. All the other vehicles air bags deployed except mine. What happened to all the safety features Ford built in.
I called Ford and all they could say is that the truck must not have been hit where the sensor's were. How can that be when the truck had bent frame. Whole front end had to be fixed along with the drivers side, all the way to the tail gate to include the rear end. Axles had to be replaced in the front end along with all the suspension, to include drivers door and passenger door behind driver. All the wiring harnesses had to be replaced as they were cut in half.
Imagine $25,000 plus damage and that was not the final tally on repairs. They stopped repairing do to other major electrical damage. Before they totaled it, they had to cut the front half of the frame off and replace it with a factory cut front end frame to be welded on. I got hit so hard that it knocked my dentures out of my mouth to under the gas pedal along with my sun glasses. I received back, neck and knee injury's that I'm still being treated for.
What's up Ford this is most definitely a defect that you refuse to acknowledge. I would think a $55,000 truck you would at least look into it as this is not normal something is wrong and Ford's no help .
I was driving down a hwy and got hit in the drivers side from front bumper to passenger door. This was a super crew cab F150 4x4 Lariat. A Jeep and Chevy truck hit me in the front and a van hit me in the rear end. My drivers side wheel was shoved up under the truck passenger wheel blown out the repair bill was at $25,000 before they decided to total the truck -but the catch is; not one air bag went off in my truck. All the other vehicles air bags deployed except mine. What happened to all the safety features Ford built in.
I called Ford and all they could say is that the truck must not have been hit where the sensor's were. How can that be when the truck had bent frame. Whole front end had to be fixed along with the drivers side, all the way to the tail gate to include the rear end. Axles had to be replaced in the front end along with all the suspension, to include drivers door and passenger door behind driver. All the wiring harnesses had to be replaced as they were cut in half.
Imagine $25,000 plus damage and that was not the final tally on repairs. They stopped repairing do to other major electrical damage. Before they totaled it, they had to cut the front half of the frame off and replace it with a factory cut front end frame to be welded on. I got hit so hard that it knocked my dentures out of my mouth to under the gas pedal along with my sun glasses. I received back, neck and knee injury's that I'm still being treated for.
What's up Ford this is most definitely a defect that you refuse to acknowledge. I would think a $55,000 truck you would at least look into it as this is not normal something is wrong and Ford's no help .
- Doug T., Beulaville, NC, US