I was very surprised to not be able to shut door when cold, because it will not latch. I tried looking at the latch, there was nothing different than other doors, but when I left vehicle to heat up like 10 minutes, it latched. And then I tried it again, and it won't latch, wow... that is a very big safety issue...
I have Grandkids and don't want that happening too many times. I hope they have a solution for that. I have to wait to call the dealer on Monday... I don't trust the door anymore...
I was very surprised to not be able to shut door when cold, because it will not latch. I tried looking at the latch, there was nothing different than other doors, but when I left vehicle to heat up like 10 minutes, it latched. And then I tried it again, and it won't latch, wow... that is a very big safety issue...
I have Grandkids and don't want that happening too many times. I hope they have a solution for that. I have to wait to call the dealer on Monday... I don't trust the door anymore...
- Val R., Jackman, ME, US