I was warned before I bought a Focus that 'you'll have to replace the whole rear end in it". I've worked for Ford...sold Focus' so I wasn't too concerned.
I have a 2004 Focus ZX5 hatchback with only 85,000kms on it now. I've got to replace every damn arm in the rear end, and unlike most cars with 2 control arms, these suckers have about 6 different arms and they're all interconnected. Multi-link rear suspension makes for great handling......GIANT pain in the ass when you have to replace the parts! I'm looking at over $1000 for all the parts, then the labor which involves moving the brake lines among other things.
So far, I've replaced both end links in the front, the O2 sensor, alternator & battery and now the rear end suspension issues. I think I got the lemon to go with the color!
Car also has that all too common idle 'stumble' but think I've found the answer to that on the Focus forums, which is an easy fix is so.
I was warned before I bought a Focus that 'you'll have to replace the whole rear end in it". I've worked for Ford...sold Focus' so I wasn't too concerned.
I have a 2004 Focus ZX5 hatchback with only 85,000kms on it now. I've got to replace every damn arm in the rear end, and unlike most cars with 2 control arms, these suckers have about 6 different arms and they're all interconnected. Multi-link rear suspension makes for great handling......GIANT pain in the ass when you have to replace the parts! I'm looking at over $1000 for all the parts, then the labor which involves moving the brake lines among other things.
So far, I've replaced both end links in the front, the O2 sensor, alternator & battery and now the rear end suspension issues. I think I got the lemon to go with the color!
Car also has that all too common idle 'stumble' but think I've found the answer to that on the Focus forums, which is an easy fix is so.
- retrospectiv, Halifax, NS, Canada