At first the car would have trouble moving up hills from a stopped position. After a few minutes, it progressed to using 3000-4000 rpms to get the car to move at 30 miles per hour. Once I got it in the driveway, the shifting was totally gone - it barely moved and if it did, it would sometimes go in reverse rather than drive and vice versa. The first hint I had as to what the problem could be was that it was BLEEDING fluid at an alarming rate. It had no smell and wasn't washed away from the driveway by water so I determined it to be transmission fluid. I refilled the transmission fluid (a 4 cylinder takes 3 gallons total, an 8 cylinder takes 12 gallons) and used a product that seals leaks and cleans out the transmission. It cost about $8 and I have not had a problem since then. The problem was most likely a cracked seal in the transmission. A mechanic can replace the seal for you but the gunky fluid I used worked just as well.
At first the car would have trouble moving up hills from a stopped position. After a few minutes, it progressed to using 3000-4000 rpms to get the car to move at 30 miles per hour. Once I got it in the driveway, the shifting was totally gone - it barely moved and if it did, it would sometimes go in reverse rather than drive and vice versa. The first hint I had as to what the problem could be was that it was BLEEDING fluid at an alarming rate. It had no smell and wasn't washed away from the driveway by water so I determined it to be transmission fluid. I refilled the transmission fluid (a 4 cylinder takes 3 gallons total, an 8 cylinder takes 12 gallons) and used a product that seals leaks and cleans out the transmission. It cost about $8 and I have not had a problem since then. The problem was most likely a cracked seal in the transmission. A mechanic can replace the seal for you but the gunky fluid I used worked just as well.
- Jenna C., Sandwich, MA, US