I dont know how to solve this problem...... please help me if you can... high idling when you start the engine. Idling goes back to normal when you reach at 4,000 rpm and maintain in 10 seconds, then release and the engine will goes back to normal idling... but when you turns off the engine and start again, the engine idling will goes back to high rpm up to 2500 rpm.
I dont know how to solve this problem...... please help me if you can... high idling when you start the engine. Idling goes back to normal when you reach at 4,000 rpm and maintain in 10 seconds, then release and the engine will goes back to normal idling... but when you turns off the engine and start again, the engine idling will goes back to high rpm up to 2500 rpm.
- Nobby E., Koror, Koror, Palau