The van didn't come with hubcaps when I bought it used. So I bought four new ones and immediately realized why they were taken off. THEY RATTLE LIKE CRAZY. There is nothing you can do about it, apart from taking them off. They are Ford hubcaps not some cheap knockoff yet when driving at any speed they fit so loose you can not get them to stop. Cheap plastic on Metal kind of rattling. But I can't take the fronts off as then I'd need to take the backs off and that's a waste of $50. And nobody in their sane mind would buy them!
The van didn't come with hubcaps when I bought it used. So I bought four new ones and immediately realized why they were taken off. THEY RATTLE LIKE CRAZY. There is nothing you can do about it, apart from taking them off. They are Ford hubcaps not some cheap knockoff yet when driving at any speed they fit so loose you can not get them to stop. Cheap plastic on Metal kind of rattling. But I can't take the fronts off as then I'd need to take the backs off and that's a waste of $50. And nobody in their sane mind would buy them!
- trav1085, Oliver, BC, Canada