I heard a knocking noise when turning steering wheel. I took it to two different shops. The GMC dealership replaced/repaired the left front axle. The right front axle is just starting to leak. This was among several other repairs this vehicle needed. The motor mounts, steering rack, front and rear brake pads, brake motors, shock absorbers, and the A/C line is leaking Freon. There are many warning sensors going off which is supposed to cost me $2200 that I do not have.
If I get these repairs, I will have spent $8,100 total in repairs for this vehicle. I got the Acadia thinking I'd have it for at least 6 years but I've only had it for 2. I'm still paying a car payment on it and with the money I've spent on the repairs, I could have already halfway done paying off the car. I will never purchase a GMC again. And am ready for a class action lawsuit. GMC should have never released this product. They've put whole families lives in jeopardy. No one should have to spend their hard earned money on major repairs for a vehicle that they've only had for two years.
I heard a knocking noise when turning steering wheel. I took it to two different shops. The GMC dealership replaced/repaired the left front axle. The right front axle is just starting to leak. This was among several other repairs this vehicle needed. The motor mounts, steering rack, front and rear brake pads, brake motors, shock absorbers, and the A/C line is leaking Freon. There are many warning sensors going off which is supposed to cost me $2200 that I do not have.
If I get these repairs, I will have spent $8,100 total in repairs for this vehicle. I got the Acadia thinking I'd have it for at least 6 years but I've only had it for 2. I'm still paying a car payment on it and with the money I've spent on the repairs, I could have already halfway done paying off the car. I will never purchase a GMC again. And am ready for a class action lawsuit. GMC should have never released this product. They've put whole families lives in jeopardy. No one should have to spend their hard earned money on major repairs for a vehicle that they've only had for two years.
- pavao, Virginia Beach, VA, US