I've been researching this issue and found that this is a common problem with this truck but GM will not fix it even though it is a clear and present danger. I could have been trying to drive away from a bear attack or something like that and it could easily become a life threatening situation when your vehicle will not start.
To fix it, according to what I read, you have to replace the Flywheel or ring gear and the starter again and the crank shaft position sensor. Plus you may have to shim the starter and if it cracked the block you have to get a new engine or lower half? This is bull.
Everyone seems to be in agreement with me that this is a recall situation and GM is lolly gagging. I literally have always stuck up for GM products but of late they are loosing ground fast in my estimate of their customer service and quality control. Even the door handles on the outside and inside are cheap pot metal and break easily. The last one I bought I used JB Weld Epoxy Steel in all the grooves of the metal handle to give it more support and structural integrity. That cost me $125 for the one handle and I replaced it more than once.
When I bought the last new starter it gave a message that you may have to replace the crank shaft position sensor but my computer did not give me that message like it said it would. My teeth on the Bendix of the starter are wiped out completely to nothing. This happened two times so far and my flywheel teeth are more than likely wiped out also. This truck was not in an accident or anything that could cause this to happen. It is their problem and if anyone wants to join in a class action law suit on this issue, let's do it.
Again they do not fix this free of charge, I am suing as this is a real expensive mess up. I'm pissed off. What I'm even more worried about this is that since it kicks so hard that it can crack the block where the starter screws go into it that it also can cause damage to the torque converter and the transmission also.
I was going to buy a newer GMC or Chevy Truck eventually but now. If they can't fix this then I am planning on junking this baby and getting a new Nissan Titan or Toyota Tundra. But if they do not be honorable and fix this issue I will never by GM again.
My first car was a 64 Chevy Nova, then a 64 Chevy Impala then a 78 Caprice Classic.I tried Oldsmobile once and did not like it too much. I had to replace the whole rear end on its drivetrain. I also had a Chevy Astro Extended Van and I loved it. Then I tried a Ford Truck. Hated it because of gas efficiency being super lousy. Then this truck which I have had for years and am tired of all the small jerk off repairs such as the door knobs and etc. But this beats the cake here. Now your talking big bucks for something they should have engineered to last as long as the engine itself.
Anyone has a class action on this issue, add my name to the lawsuit. I want this fixed and I have a fixed budget being disabled and all. I can not afford this kind of repair and I do not have the money right now to buy a new truck. I'm pissed off here with this situation. I have MS and Diabetes and other health issues and need dependable wheels since there is no bus service where I live. To me this is a life threatening situation.
I've been researching this issue and found that this is a common problem with this truck but GM will not fix it even though it is a clear and present danger. I could have been trying to drive away from a bear attack or something like that and it could easily become a life threatening situation when your vehicle will not start.
To fix it, according to what I read, you have to replace the Flywheel or ring gear and the starter again and the crank shaft position sensor. Plus you may have to shim the starter and if it cracked the block you have to get a new engine or lower half? This is bull.
Everyone seems to be in agreement with me that this is a recall situation and GM is lolly gagging. I literally have always stuck up for GM products but of late they are loosing ground fast in my estimate of their customer service and quality control. Even the door handles on the outside and inside are cheap pot metal and break easily. The last one I bought I used JB Weld Epoxy Steel in all the grooves of the metal handle to give it more support and structural integrity. That cost me $125 for the one handle and I replaced it more than once.
When I bought the last new starter it gave a message that you may have to replace the crank shaft position sensor but my computer did not give me that message like it said it would. My teeth on the Bendix of the starter are wiped out completely to nothing. This happened two times so far and my flywheel teeth are more than likely wiped out also. This truck was not in an accident or anything that could cause this to happen. It is their problem and if anyone wants to join in a class action law suit on this issue, let's do it.
Again they do not fix this free of charge, I am suing as this is a real expensive mess up. I'm pissed off. What I'm even more worried about this is that since it kicks so hard that it can crack the block where the starter screws go into it that it also can cause damage to the torque converter and the transmission also.
I was going to buy a newer GMC or Chevy Truck eventually but now. If they can't fix this then I am planning on junking this baby and getting a new Nissan Titan or Toyota Tundra. But if they do not be honorable and fix this issue I will never by GM again.
My first car was a 64 Chevy Nova, then a 64 Chevy Impala then a 78 Caprice Classic.I tried Oldsmobile once and did not like it too much. I had to replace the whole rear end on its drivetrain. I also had a Chevy Astro Extended Van and I loved it. Then I tried a Ford Truck. Hated it because of gas efficiency being super lousy. Then this truck which I have had for years and am tired of all the small jerk off repairs such as the door knobs and etc. But this beats the cake here. Now your talking big bucks for something they should have engineered to last as long as the engine itself.
Anyone has a class action on this issue, add my name to the lawsuit. I want this fixed and I have a fixed budget being disabled and all. I can not afford this kind of repair and I do not have the money right now to buy a new truck. I'm pissed off here with this situation. I have MS and Diabetes and other health issues and need dependable wheels since there is no bus service where I live. To me this is a life threatening situation.
- hawkno1, Bethel Island, CA, US