This problem has gone on intermittent over about 3+ years. Whenever it happens or I take in to a mechanic to look at it, it wont act up. It happened again today and I am having AAA tow it to the mechanic. Hopefully by the time they come to tow it, it wont do its intermittent thing and start so I can possibly get this thing checked out and fixed?! I did google it and I got a couple possible reasons, that I will share with the mechanic(s) But it'll be hard to say since this is so intermittent and really no reason or rhyme to it. Let ya know if they figure anything out.
This problem has gone on intermittent over about 3+ years. Whenever it happens or I take in to a mechanic to look at it, it wont act up. It happened again today and I am having AAA tow it to the mechanic. Hopefully by the time they come to tow it, it wont do its intermittent thing and start so I can possibly get this thing checked out and fixed?! I did google it and I got a couple possible reasons, that I will share with the mechanic(s) But it'll be hard to say since this is so intermittent and really no reason or rhyme to it. Let ya know if they figure anything out.
- manahanp, Parker, Coloradp, US