The Honda Accord headrests are incredibly painful. They are bent forward at an angle of almost 45 degrees, making front passengers and drivers face severe neck and shoulder pain while driving.
The only solution is to replace these headrests with more ergonomic options, or bend the metal bars in the headrest backwards so that the headrest is parallel with the car seat and your upper body, removing the cause of severe neck pain and injuries while driving.
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The Honda Accord headrests are incredibly painful. They are bent forward at an angle of almost 45 degrees, making front passengers and drivers face severe neck and shoulder pain while driving.
The only solution is to replace these headrests with more ergonomic options, or bend the metal bars in the headrest backwards so that the headrest is parallel with the car seat and your upper body, removing the cause of severe neck pain and injuries while driving.
- mcgammy, Toronto, US