The thermometer gets stuck at random times. I know this because it's happened several times where I verified the outdoor temp with Siri and it's way off (car says 71 degrees, Siri says 95). i know the thermometer is tied to the AC system so this becomes an issue when the car is thinking it's cooler outside than it really is and the AC doesn't compensate. i had the sensor replaced about two weeks ago and it's happened several times since then.
The thermometer gets stuck at random times. I know this because it's happened several times where I verified the outdoor temp with Siri and it's way off (car says 71 degrees, Siri says 95). i know the thermometer is tied to the AC system so this becomes an issue when the car is thinking it's cooler outside than it really is and the AC doesn't compensate. i had the sensor replaced about two weeks ago and it's happened several times since then.
- Kenji A., Cerritos, CA, US