We have other brand cars that have far better navigation systems. We assumed that Honda's would be as good. The navigation system in Honda is SO LACKING it's criminal that we spent close to $2000 or more for this. It does not show cross street names as you approach them, it doesn't even show the #/name of highway you are on. It is so inferior to other systems out there on the market, it is ridiculous. I hope the Honda engineers are listening, you MUST totally revamp your navigation and sit in a Lexus, an Audi, SEE WHAT IS OUT THERE ON THE MARKET because you won't be competitive!
We have other brand cars that have far better navigation systems. We assumed that Honda's would be as good. The navigation system in Honda is SO LACKING it's criminal that we spent close to $2000 or more for this. It does not show cross street names as you approach them, it doesn't even show the #/name of highway you are on. It is so inferior to other systems out there on the market, it is ridiculous. I hope the Honda engineers are listening, you MUST totally revamp your navigation and sit in a Lexus, an Audi, SEE WHAT IS OUT THERE ON THE MARKET because you won't be competitive!
- Laurie K., Huntington, NY, American Samoa