Googled and found out there is a circuit board under the wheel above the feet on the left(light grey box) in the box is a circuit board that has some broken solder points. I was a really simple fix as i have solder things before. Solder about 8 broken points, put the box back and plugged it back in. keys in, car in gear, hand break down, and no more warning light. yes the DRL lights work automatically again
I noticed "DRL" come up on the dash.
Googled and found out there is a circuit board under the wheel above the feet on the left(light grey box) in the box is a circuit board that has some broken solder points. I was a really simple fix as i have solder things before. Solder about 8 broken points, put the box back and plugged it back in. keys in, car in gear, hand break down, and no more warning light. yes the DRL lights work automatically again
- Kevin D., Scarborough, Ontario, canada