At first I thought possibly my tires needed balancing. Coming home from work on Thursday 01/06/10, I heard something hit my wheel well. When i got onto the highway, the car was shimming so bad I had to slow down because I thought I would lose control. On 01/07/10, I took the car to have the tires balanced. The mechanic told me i am missing two wheel studs from the front driver side wheel. It is scheduled to be repaired today 01/10/11, this is why I do not know the cost of repair yet. Has anyone else had this problem.
At first I thought possibly my tires needed balancing. Coming home from work on Thursday 01/06/10, I heard something hit my wheel well. When i got onto the highway, the car was shimming so bad I had to slow down because I thought I would lose control. On 01/07/10, I took the car to have the tires balanced. The mechanic told me i am missing two wheel studs from the front driver side wheel. It is scheduled to be repaired today 01/10/11, this is why I do not know the cost of repair yet. Has anyone else had this problem.
- lindacole57, Newfoundland, PA, US