2017 Honda civic 5 door 2 months old I was reversing back and the car took off by itself, fast. I applied the brakes, no brake working so I had to jam the car into Park (while moving) to stop. Very scary, lucky no one behind me, could have killed someone. I think the dash lights went off as well. It all happened so fast its shaken my confidence in the car
2017 Honda civic 5 door 2 months old I was reversing back and the car took off by itself, fast. I applied the brakes, no brake working so I had to jam the car into Park (while moving) to stop. Very scary, lucky no one behind me, could have killed someone. I think the dash lights went off as well. It all happened so fast its shaken my confidence in the car
And yes I know which one is the brake pedal.
- Keith G., Jakarta, Indonesia