Please BOYCOTT HONDA and go viral about it. Honda won't support inherently defective plastic parts on the car and doesn't care if the inside plastic in the car crumbles. Hard to believe the big sign at the Honda dealership states consider the resale value of a Honda. Please repost this on you site as I really want to make a social media statement that Honda should not sell cars with defective
plastic. Did the fact that its a Hybrid and battery acid have anything to do with it? Don't know, I'm only a person, not a car expert. I simply know that the resale value is shot, that Honda won't even tell me what company made the plastic rear deck, claiming it is proprietary, and that Honda refused to permit me to speak to the legal department. If anyone knows anyone on 60 minutes or an investigative news station please pass this on to them as well. Thank you. NOTE: The back of the car looks horrible and I have tiny pieces of the rear deck all over my car.
Please BOYCOTT HONDA and go viral about it. Honda won't support inherently defective plastic parts on the car and doesn't care if the inside plastic in the car crumbles. Hard to believe the big sign at the Honda dealership states consider the resale value of a Honda. Please repost this on you site as I really want to make a social media statement that Honda should not sell cars with defective
plastic. Did the fact that its a Hybrid and battery acid have anything to do with it? Don't know, I'm only a person, not a car expert. I simply know that the resale value is shot, that Honda won't even tell me what company made the plastic rear deck, claiming it is proprietary, and that Honda refused to permit me to speak to the legal department. If anyone knows anyone on 60 minutes or an investigative news station please pass this on to them as well. Thank you. NOTE: The back of the car looks horrible and I have tiny pieces of the rear deck all over my car.
- blmiggy, Valencia, CA, US