After purchase, all the service & maintenance was sent to the same dealer (Jimisar) as per advised next service schedule/mileages. The said vehicle was a unit of Hybrid design and hence I only trust on Jimisar’s services. We never repair nor service this unit of Hybrid car in any other workshop other than Jimisar. Even the warranty period is expired on 03/10/2018; I still continue the service & maintenance with Jimisar.
On 3/12/2018 (date is in doubt) by referring to the service Invoice number 1005446983, the 1st after warranty service & maintenance still done at Jimisar with mileage at 90,690km. After the service & maintenance was completed, I paid accordingly and return home to Sarikei. Then, I start to travel from 4/12/2018 to 12/12/2018 and 22/12/2018 to 26/12/2018 and end of January 2019. The said vehicle parked at home when I was away. Even when I am back to Sarikei during these period, the vehicle do not have long journey ride as we stay in the town which is very near (i.e. less than 5km ride).
However, on 8/2/2019(Friday), i.e. 4th Lunar Chinese New Year Holiday, at around 1 to 2pm, when me and my husband drive across the Jalan Getah roundabout, the vehicle suddenly free gear and unable to move with the engine still on. It was a very dangerous sudden breakdown! We are frightened by the sudden breakdown in the middle of the roundabout without knowing what happened to the vehicle. Some more, it is during the peak hours of traffic flows. We called the nearest workshop to tow the vehicle to my home while waiting Jimisar resume working operation.
On the next working day, 11/2/2019 (Monday), Jimisar asked us to send the vehicle to their workshop by our own expenses. We hired a towing car to send the breakdown vehicle to their workshop for their further checking and repair. They issued a service order with ID 2005467651 on the current mileage 93,780km.
On 12/2/2019 (Tuesday), Jimisar’s Service Advisor, MS Yew called me and query me if I did replacing the gear oils at other workshop other than Jimisar. The cause of the breakdown is due to the wrong gear oils replaced resulting to the damage to the vehicle gearbox. I never ever do any repair & service maintenance at any workshop other than Jimisar and they should be well aware about it. I am in doubt on their after sales service then! Do they read my services mileage and period correctly?? Do my services completed done at their workshop are true and correct? If yes, do they keep my service maintenance record accordingly, correctly
or professionally? They should refer to all my records as it should be recorded properly according to my completed services information & next service advice. How can they suspect or accusing me on doing such service maintenance at others workshop! I felt confused with their service, unsure if continue to service the vehicle at their workshop is still a right place to go, and felt that they do not respect me as their loyal customer!
No further updated status on the breakdown repair after the call on 12/2/2019 until my call to them on 20/2/2019 to follow up with the service advisor, MS Yew. She then confirmed that the breakdown is due to malfunction at the damaged gearbox. It is good answer when she will make a written letter to Honda’s HQ at KL to request for further extended warranty. Thus, she advised me to give some time for them to wait for the reply.
On 27/2/2019, I received another call from MS Yew to inform on the rejection to the extended warranty request and Jimisar will issue a service quotation for the repair charges. However, I requested MS Yew to wait for my decision only upon my return from my oversea trip. I was on business trip during the conversation. On the same date, Jimisar issued me an invoice with ID 71584187, current mileage 93,780km amounting RM0.00 with the comments of checking. Refer to the invoice, the remarks stated Jimisar performed “checking gearbox fluid, CVTF fluid in normal condition, Follow ESM to carry out pressure and stall speed test, with the result in abnormal specification. Dealer submits PWA Claim to HMSB to seek for approval due to warranty is expired on 3/10/2013. PWA rejected, due to car over warranty period. Recommend customer to replace new transmission assemblyâ€. Then they issued me another service quotation 2900256001 on same date with amounting RM24, 184.20 (as enclosed).
Immediately next day after I returned from the business trip on 1/3/2019, I did spoke to Jimisar’s technician, Mr. Wong to understand what caused the damage to the vehicle gearbox, but unfortunately he are not able to explain. The only solution he gave to me is “Call & Follow Up with Honda’s HQ at KLâ€. Thus, I called accordingly to Honda’s HQ and the customer service said they will assist on the re-appealing on Extended Warranty and asking me to wait for the result.
By 5/3/2019, I received call from Honda’s HQ’s to inform me that the Extended Warranty request was strictly being rejected with no other reason except Warranty Period is over. In fact, the warranty period is over 4 months, i.e. expired on 3/10/2019. But I am not satisfied with the rejection and again I asked for the same understanding on WHAT CAUSE TO THE DAMAGE TO THE VEHICLE GEARBOX? Sad to receive the response that NO ANSWER & PLEASE REFER BACK TO THE SERVICE DEALER – JIMISAR. I felt like the ball was being kicking from Jimisar to Honda’s HQ and then kicked rolling back again to Jimisar without any satisfying answer.
This really make me anger and disappointed with the services and the way they handle the issue. It is wasting all my waiting time and the vehicle for my daily family transportation was not available causing all the inconveniences to my daily activities. I have to borrow a vehicle from my relative for my conveniences.
Refer to the service quotation given amounting RM24, 184.20; I do not agree to settle the problem by repairing with the amount quoted as I do not understand why the gearbox is damaged? It just happen after warranty period is over and it supposed to be taken care by Jimisar service during my scheduled service maintenance visit. I always pay according to what Jimisar charged during the visit because I am in strong trust to Jimisar in handling the vehicle service maintenance and that’s the only reason why I never change the service maintenance workshop even it is after warranty period.
Upon the last service on 3/12/2018, they only recommend me to replace spark plug in my next scheduled service. But now, I am curious if they do check the others elements in the vehicle? Are they neglecting the check to the gearbox? Or did they perform any services to the gearbox on the day or service before this?
As their loyal customer, I cannot accept the damage whereby I am very discipline in servicing the hybrid design vehicle some more only at Jimisar. I am not willing to make any payment to the repair of this damage as I am very careful driver to the said vehicle and always ensure it to be keeping in safe and well condition. Jimisar knows well about it. I am also in doubt on how professionally they are trained in servicing hybrid vehicle. As I do not ever expect the damage is at the gearbox which costing above RM20k! Why!
It is unfair to me to bear the cost of repairing which was due to Jimisar’s negligence, overlooked or even careless job! Even it was explained by Jimisar that wrong change oil are reason but it is spoken mistakenly by their service advisor, I cannot accept as well. Regardless, it is due to neither spoken mistakenly, nor unknown reason, I am seeking for the right and fair solution to my vehicle. It is supposed to be taken care by the service workshop and not to be a headache to the loyal customer.
Appreciate to have your kind advice and action on this matter.
After purchase, all the service & maintenance was sent to the same dealer (Jimisar) as per advised next service schedule/mileages. The said vehicle was a unit of Hybrid design and hence I only trust on Jimisar’s services. We never repair nor service this unit of Hybrid car in any other workshop other than Jimisar. Even the warranty period is expired on 03/10/2018; I still continue the service & maintenance with Jimisar.
On 3/12/2018 (date is in doubt) by referring to the service Invoice number 1005446983, the 1st after warranty service & maintenance still done at Jimisar with mileage at 90,690km. After the service & maintenance was completed, I paid accordingly and return home to Sarikei. Then, I start to travel from 4/12/2018 to 12/12/2018 and 22/12/2018 to 26/12/2018 and end of January 2019. The said vehicle parked at home when I was away. Even when I am back to Sarikei during these period, the vehicle do not have long journey ride as we stay in the town which is very near (i.e. less than 5km ride).
However, on 8/2/2019(Friday), i.e. 4th Lunar Chinese New Year Holiday, at around 1 to 2pm, when me and my husband drive across the Jalan Getah roundabout, the vehicle suddenly free gear and unable to move with the engine still on. It was a very dangerous sudden breakdown! We are frightened by the sudden breakdown in the middle of the roundabout without knowing what happened to the vehicle. Some more, it is during the peak hours of traffic flows. We called the nearest workshop to tow the vehicle to my home while waiting Jimisar resume working operation.
On the next working day, 11/2/2019 (Monday), Jimisar asked us to send the vehicle to their workshop by our own expenses. We hired a towing car to send the breakdown vehicle to their workshop for their further checking and repair. They issued a service order with ID 2005467651 on the current mileage 93,780km.
On 12/2/2019 (Tuesday), Jimisar’s Service Advisor, MS Yew called me and query me if I did replacing the gear oils at other workshop other than Jimisar. The cause of the breakdown is due to the wrong gear oils replaced resulting to the damage to the vehicle gearbox. I never ever do any repair & service maintenance at any workshop other than Jimisar and they should be well aware about it. I am in doubt on their after sales service then! Do they read my services mileage and period correctly?? Do my services completed done at their workshop are true and correct? If yes, do they keep my service maintenance record accordingly, correctly
or professionally? They should refer to all my records as it should be recorded properly according to my completed services information & next service advice. How can they suspect or accusing me on doing such service maintenance at others workshop! I felt confused with their service, unsure if continue to service the vehicle at their workshop is still a right place to go, and felt that they do not respect me as their loyal customer!
No further updated status on the breakdown repair after the call on 12/2/2019 until my call to them on 20/2/2019 to follow up with the service advisor, MS Yew. She then confirmed that the breakdown is due to malfunction at the damaged gearbox. It is good answer when she will make a written letter to Honda’s HQ at KL to request for further extended warranty. Thus, she advised me to give some time for them to wait for the reply.
On 27/2/2019, I received another call from MS Yew to inform on the rejection to the extended warranty request and Jimisar will issue a service quotation for the repair charges. However, I requested MS Yew to wait for my decision only upon my return from my oversea trip. I was on business trip during the conversation. On the same date, Jimisar issued me an invoice with ID 71584187, current mileage 93,780km amounting RM0.00 with the comments of checking. Refer to the invoice, the remarks stated Jimisar performed “checking gearbox fluid, CVTF fluid in normal condition, Follow ESM to carry out pressure and stall speed test, with the result in abnormal specification. Dealer submits PWA Claim to HMSB to seek for approval due to warranty is expired on 3/10/2013. PWA rejected, due to car over warranty period. Recommend customer to replace new transmission assemblyâ€. Then they issued me another service quotation 2900256001 on same date with amounting RM24, 184.20 (as enclosed).
Immediately next day after I returned from the business trip on 1/3/2019, I did spoke to Jimisar’s technician, Mr. Wong to understand what caused the damage to the vehicle gearbox, but unfortunately he are not able to explain. The only solution he gave to me is “Call & Follow Up with Honda’s HQ at KLâ€. Thus, I called accordingly to Honda’s HQ and the customer service said they will assist on the re-appealing on Extended Warranty and asking me to wait for the result.
By 5/3/2019, I received call from Honda’s HQ’s to inform me that the Extended Warranty request was strictly being rejected with no other reason except Warranty Period is over. In fact, the warranty period is over 4 months, i.e. expired on 3/10/2019. But I am not satisfied with the rejection and again I asked for the same understanding on WHAT CAUSE TO THE DAMAGE TO THE VEHICLE GEARBOX? Sad to receive the response that NO ANSWER & PLEASE REFER BACK TO THE SERVICE DEALER – JIMISAR. I felt like the ball was being kicking from Jimisar to Honda’s HQ and then kicked rolling back again to Jimisar without any satisfying answer.
This really make me anger and disappointed with the services and the way they handle the issue. It is wasting all my waiting time and the vehicle for my daily family transportation was not available causing all the inconveniences to my daily activities. I have to borrow a vehicle from my relative for my conveniences.
Refer to the service quotation given amounting RM24, 184.20; I do not agree to settle the problem by repairing with the amount quoted as I do not understand why the gearbox is damaged? It just happen after warranty period is over and it supposed to be taken care by Jimisar service during my scheduled service maintenance visit. I always pay according to what Jimisar charged during the visit because I am in strong trust to Jimisar in handling the vehicle service maintenance and that’s the only reason why I never change the service maintenance workshop even it is after warranty period.
Upon the last service on 3/12/2018, they only recommend me to replace spark plug in my next scheduled service. But now, I am curious if they do check the others elements in the vehicle? Are they neglecting the check to the gearbox? Or did they perform any services to the gearbox on the day or service before this?
As their loyal customer, I cannot accept the damage whereby I am very discipline in servicing the hybrid design vehicle some more only at Jimisar. I am not willing to make any payment to the repair of this damage as I am very careful driver to the said vehicle and always ensure it to be keeping in safe and well condition. Jimisar knows well about it. I am also in doubt on how professionally they are trained in servicing hybrid vehicle. As I do not ever expect the damage is at the gearbox which costing above RM20k! Why!
It is unfair to me to bear the cost of repairing which was due to Jimisar’s negligence, overlooked or even careless job! Even it was explained by Jimisar that wrong change oil are reason but it is spoken mistakenly by their service advisor, I cannot accept as well. Regardless, it is due to neither spoken mistakenly, nor unknown reason, I am seeking for the right and fair solution to my vehicle. It is supposed to be taken care by the service workshop and not to be a headache to the loyal customer.
Appreciate to have your kind advice and action on this matter.
- Anna L., SARIKEI, Malaysia