pretty bad- Typical Repair Cost:
- $570
- Average Mileage:
- 51,250 miles
- Total Complaints:
- 11 complaints
Most common solutions:
- not sure (6 reports)
- replace starter (3 reports)
- replace battery (2 reports)
My 2015 Fit suddenly wouldn't start yesterday. Like some other folks, I found the braking was very stiff. When I pushed the auto-start, a bunch of lights blinked but STARTER stayed on as I held it down. There was just a clicking sound; the engine didn't turn over at all. All the lights looked fairly bright; so I didn't suspect the battery. I checked all the fuses that someone on this or a similar site mentioned, but they were all OK. Note: that fusebox under the steering wheel may be convenient for children and contortionists, but I was cursing the Fit designers (something I rarely have occasion to do) the whole time as I sprawled upside down to reach it. Warning: t!he last row seems designed to swallow any fuse you drop down into the panel of no return.
Finally I gave up and called AAA for a tow to my mechanic. The @##$#$ thing started right up with a jump; I replaced the battery and all seems fine today. Moral; low battery can apparently look like a starter problem, even if the lights don't look dim. Battery 4.5 years old is enough to need replacing, I guess.
- Howard G., Salem, US
Very disappointing in Honda with the starter issue. The vehicle is 5 years old and just over 100k km, we use the vehicle as a city commuter so its not extreme on or off stopping with the starter.
Starter failed prematurely and the part alone was $700 + $200 labour install.
I have a GM vehicle that is known to be unreliable, 500k km and still has the original starter. Hondas are very reliable and this is certainly a one off issue with the Honda fits, which is fine, but Honda needs to own up to the problem since its not user abuse, it's a genuine terribly-sourced starter on their part.
I also don't mind the starter failing, but how do they justify $700 for a starter? You can buy entire used Honda Civics for that price.
- Ciprian W., Mississauga, ON, Canada
Car suddenly won't start on a morning trying to go to a very important appointment that cannot be re-booked. I waited for this appointment for 2 years!
The car was running just fine the day before, but the afternoon of the next day it wouldn't start. No crank, no nothing. Completely freaking dead. Dead like the dodo bird. Not beeping, no nothing. No lights. Just frozen dead piece of metal on 4 wheels. The car only has 30,000 km or about 20,000 miles. How did Honda mange to screw this up is beyond me!
I drove it very little, only here to there and to church on weekends. And now the car won't even crank.
I tried boosting the car with jumper cables. Nothing worked. The booster cables did not do anything. I even waited 15 minutes for the battery to "charge".
I suspected it to be either a start or a battery. I looked up videos on the internet on how to salvage the battery but these videos are made for people with way too much time on their hands. I am a busy man, I have no time to sit and reconstruct a car battery with harmful chemicals and heavy metals.
I had no choice but to go and buy a new car battery. Of course the major stores like Walmart and Canadian Tire did not carry THIS type of battery (but they do carry everything else, just not the kind I need!).
I couldn't find the battery anywhere, I had to go to online market places to find used or new batteries. There was no battery that I could find for the vehicle.
Apparently every car has its own battery type. What a load of crap. Small car batteries should be all the same, make it 1 or 2 different types, that's it.
There is even a catalogue with different batteries for different make and models of cars.
I ended up by sheer luck finding the last battery at PartSource and bought it for 200 USD after all said and done.
Replaced it myself (after watching online videos on how-to replace car battery).
The car started!
I am very very very upset at Honda for putting a crappy battery that didn't even last 20,000 miles. Honda should refund me the total sum of $200 USD. That's unacceptable! The car battery turned out to be defective, it bursted and leaked onto the ground.
I will be pursuing legal action against the dealership or/and Honda Canada.
- E Y., Franklin, MB, Canada
I am so disappointed in this Honda Fit 2015! The entire dashboard lights up but the motor does not start. A friend tells me I may need a new starter, $$$$.
I expected better. My Toyota Solara 2003 started right up every single time, even during the coldest winters, up until 256,000 miles and I had no major repairs until it died a dignified death of old age. I guess I got spoiled, will go back to Toyota next time.
- Nancy S., Mérida, Mexico
My car would not start but eventually did after several attempts. This problem started since January 2019. At first, I thought it was the battery, so I replaced the battery. The car was fine for a couple of weeks but eventually my car wouldn't start... again. At first it was 1 to 2 push starts but the number of attempts got worse to the point where I stop trying after 10 mins. Now, after 5 months of trying to start my car and my car starting to stall at red lights/signs, I decided to take it in.
Apparently, there was a recall on SOME Honda Fit 2015 models regarding faulty starters. Unfortunately my car was not included and had to replace the whole starter for $950 but if you include the battery which was never an issue, $1100 down the drain for something I had no control over. I spoke with Honda's customer service, and because my 2 year warranty was up and I'm not part of the recall, there was nothing they can do.
I understand if I'm responsible for any damage to my car; however, this issue was not caused by me, but clearly related to the manufacturer/poor quality control. I do not understand why I am responsible for something that I didn't built with faulty, starters which can potentially put me and others at risk should my car stall again. This makes me question, does Honda truly care for their consumers' safety? This is an unnecessary expense (way too much for my budget) and an inconvenience.
Honda's customer service recommends that I speak with the service manager at the dealership to see if they can arrange some kind of discount... Well, according to the mechanics at the dealership, they've been seeing this issue with the Honda Accords as well. So obviously, this is a quality/manufacturer issue that current and future Honda owners would have to be responsible for. Whatever happened to Honda's long lasting, durable, reliable cars?
- Sophia K., Fairfax, VA, US
I bought my car new from a trusted dealership, and overall, the problems I've had with my car have been minor... until this issue came along. My car won't turn on unless I creatively push the ignition button in the right spot after trying 10+ times and re-engaging the brake. The mechanics at the dealership tell me that they believe it's the starter button itself, that my 3 year warranty has expired (even though I'm under the "mileage" quota), and that there is no TSB on this issue. The part costs $250 and labor is expected to run $150 at least. If it's actually a failure of the ignition (as I'm reading from other posts) and there are no recalls or service bulletins, and I have to pay for an ignition repair after this, I'm going to run an anti-Honda campaign--which is sad, since I've loved other Honda vehicles. Apparently the 2016 Accord had a similar problem (with a TSB addressing it) but no one from Honda has addressed it on the Fit.
- Amy D., Philadelphia, PA, US
I am completely disappointed with Honda. I purchased this 2015 Honda Fit based on Honda's reputation. My issue started around 40,000 miles. I would push the starter button and would not start. I didn't think much of it until it went to 4 or 5 times then start. Last night I was at work and the car would not start after countless attempts by me and the tow truck driver. Today it is in the shop getting a new starter that is not covered or recalled by Honda. Extremely frustrated
- Martha M., San Diego, US
The car is not starting on the first try. Then the check engine light comes on, but I don't know what is happening. I will check it with Honda.
- de mucha, Mexico, Mexico
Car will eventually start. Honda dealership is going to charge me $600 to replace starter. Getting a second opinion this afternoon.
- Whitney C., Johnson City, TN, US
I drove my car to the dog park. I was ready to leave with a panting dog and it was within a half hour of dark and when I put my foot on the brake and pushed the start, the battery came on but the car would not start. I had no clue at first. A lady who was leaving in her 2016 fit suggested I call Honda. The Honda customer service person was no help. I saw the green key light and looked in my book to see what it was and learned it was the immobilizer. Honda CS said I no longer had road side assistance. Having just purchased the car 3 months previously I was at that point getting distraught. I called AAA. While waiting for them, another person returned to his car and tried to help. He looked up a fix on his phone: turn off the car. Get out of the car and close all the doors. Hit the panic button, turn it off after a few seconds. Use the key in the fob to open the driver's door. That turned the light off. Problem, I'm concerned because a friend of mine who has a 2015 Fit had to have his starter replaced at 60 some thousand miles and the repair is very expensive. Has anyone else had this problem. Is this becoming a "known" issue for 2015 Honda Fits?
- Pamela L., Toledo, US
Back in December I had an accident, and my motor was replaced. I live in Florida, where it tends to get hot and humid. About 2 years ago I got a new battery through AAA. Now about 2-3 weeks ago I started to have starter problems where my car wouldn't start for a minute or two. I would leave the key in, and then I would start the engine, and my car would start with no issues. This has been going on intermittently since then. And this morning my car wouldn't start at all.
I'm going to have to call AAA tomorrow to get it checked, and I'll make an appointment with the mechanic to fix or replace the starter. This has been a pain in the you-know-where, especially when you have to go to work (like this morning). I just saw that the year of my Honda Fit (2015) has the most issues. I will have to get a new car eventually.
- Lupita G., Plantation, FL, US