The push button starter will not reliably start (OR STOP) the engine running. Battery recently replaced. Key fob is fine, can unlock/lock the car from the front porch. Usually I can get the car to start after a few tries. Bigger problem if I can't get the car to turn OFF. No ctrl/alt/delete on this switch. A 2015 Honda fit shouldn't be having this sort of problem. This has been happening for about a month. Sometimes it starts right up, sometimes the little key indicator light comes on, sometimes not. Question: do you think it is the starter module or just the button?
The push button starter will not reliably start (OR STOP) the engine running. Battery recently replaced. Key fob is fine, can unlock/lock the car from the front porch. Usually I can get the car to start after a few tries. Bigger problem if I can't get the car to turn OFF. No ctrl/alt/delete on this switch. A 2015 Honda fit shouldn't be having this sort of problem. This has been happening for about a month. Sometimes it starts right up, sometimes the little key indicator light comes on, sometimes not. Question: do you think it is the starter module or just the button?
- Anne H., Silver Spring, MD, US