The day before I parked my vehicle, my windows were all closed, the next day, when I wanted to use the vehicle, all my windows and my sunroof were half open. It's not that it would have had serious consequences for this time of year, but living in Quebec, with winter coming in just a few days, the car would have been buried in snow outside. inside and that would have had consequences for me.
La veille j'ai stationné mon véhicule , mes fenêtres étaient tous bien fermés, le lendemain, quand j'ai voulu utiliser le véhicule, toutes mes fenêtres et mon toit ouvrant était ouvert de moitié. C'est pas que ça l'aurait eu des conséquences graves pour ce moment ci de l'année, mais à habiter au Québec, avec l'hiver qui arrive dans à peine quelques jours, l'auto aurait été ensevelis de neige à l'intérieur et ça aurait eu des conséquences pour moi .
English translation:
The day before I parked my vehicle, my windows were all closed, the next day, when I wanted to use the vehicle, all my windows and my sunroof were half open. It's not that it would have had serious consequences for this time of year, but living in Quebec, with winter coming in just a few days, the car would have been buried in snow outside. inside and that would have had consequences for me.
- Michael E., Rivière-Du-Loup, QC, Canada