I'm 56 years old. Single working woman. My first new car ever! 2019 Hyundai Elantra base, 34 miles on in. Bought it around the middle of May. In July, 2 months later I was driving and it ran hot. Sat for a while and it cooled down of course, so I thought it was possibly a computer error and I would take it to the dealer. Drove a little further and it quit in the street. It was towed back to the dealer who said there was a hole in the radiator. I tried to figure out how I could have gotten a hole in the radiator. Regular driving to and from work, shopping, etc. I was shown a picture and told it could have been a rock, which was unsettling. If a rock could take my brand new car out, what did I buy? But I know freak things happen, so it was a freak thing. Glad I had two warranties on it, Hyundai and another one through the dealer. Was told it was bumper to bumper coverage, but reminded that was for the engine and transmission. It was not covered. I have purchased cars from reputable and not-so-reputable dealers, cars purchased as-is, with no serious problems like this. My most recent car before my Hyundai was a 2012 Chevrolet Sonic LTZ through Drivetime . It had problems the 5th day of purchase and the warranty covered all but the $200 deductible. Initially my car was kept at Hyundai for 5 days, no loaner car, rental out of pocket. When I got it back, I continued to smell antifreeze and there was a constant humming sound like the noise a refrigerator makes, when the a/c is running. It was taken back 3 times and the leak/smell of antifreeze is finally gone, but the hum is not. I will never buy another Hyundai, and will tell my story to all who ask.
I'm 56 years old. Single working woman. My first new car ever! 2019 Hyundai Elantra base, 34 miles on in. Bought it around the middle of May. In July, 2 months later I was driving and it ran hot. Sat for a while and it cooled down of course, so I thought it was possibly a computer error and I would take it to the dealer. Drove a little further and it quit in the street. It was towed back to the dealer who said there was a hole in the radiator. I tried to figure out how I could have gotten a hole in the radiator. Regular driving to and from work, shopping, etc. I was shown a picture and told it could have been a rock, which was unsettling. If a rock could take my brand new car out, what did I buy? But I know freak things happen, so it was a freak thing. Glad I had two warranties on it, Hyundai and another one through the dealer. Was told it was bumper to bumper coverage, but reminded that was for the engine and transmission. It was not covered. I have purchased cars from reputable and not-so-reputable dealers, cars purchased as-is, with no serious problems like this. My most recent car before my Hyundai was a 2012 Chevrolet Sonic LTZ through Drivetime . It had problems the 5th day of purchase and the warranty covered all but the $200 deductible. Initially my car was kept at Hyundai for 5 days, no loaner car, rental out of pocket. When I got it back, I continued to smell antifreeze and there was a constant humming sound like the noise a refrigerator makes, when the a/c is running. It was taken back 3 times and the leak/smell of antifreeze is finally gone, but the hum is not. I will never buy another Hyundai, and will tell my story to all who ask.
- Roxie Y., Olive Branch, MS, US