While driving on highway, on beautiful winter late morning, heard extremely loud explosion. Upon inspection of vehicle found that my sunroof had exploded. This definitely was from inside to outwards, Remaining glass was pointing to the sky. Very frightening, and also extremely dangerous. Fortunately I had the sun shade closed which possibly saved me from serious injury. Is in dealer and manufacturer's hands on whether they will cover the cost of repair. Never have I experienced anything like this while driving.
While driving on highway, on beautiful winter late morning, heard extremely loud explosion. Upon inspection of vehicle found that my sunroof had exploded. This definitely was from inside to outwards, Remaining glass was pointing to the sky. Very frightening, and also extremely dangerous. Fortunately I had the sun shade closed which possibly saved me from serious injury. Is in dealer and manufacturer's hands on whether they will cover the cost of repair. Never have I experienced anything like this while driving.
- mingerlina, Woodbridge, Ontario, canada