water leaks through all doors sits on inside edges
whenever car is washed, all of the doors &/or openings (trunk) has water sitting on edges when doors/trunk opened. its like there isn't a "good" fit to the doors and trunk. I did not check the hood, but wouldn't be surprised that it leaks also. they may not "leak" but sure don't fit correctly as I've never had this problem with any other vehicle. it might not be that big of a deal, but it sure is aggravating, and can't help but think it's not good for the metal/paint, so I wipe all of it up every time.
water leaks through all doors sits on inside edges
whenever car is washed, all of the doors &/or openings (trunk) has water sitting on edges when doors/trunk opened. its like there isn't a "good" fit to the doors and trunk. I did not check the hood, but wouldn't be surprised that it leaks also. they may not "leak" but sure don't fit correctly as I've never had this problem with any other vehicle. it might not be that big of a deal, but it sure is aggravating, and can't help but think it's not good for the metal/paint, so I wipe all of it up every time.
- ccrossg, Polk City, FL, US