One day my car just wouldn't start - all the electric was out - I thought it was a bad battery - got a new one - all was good for a few days - happened again - got a new battery - was good again for awhile then problem started again - I got mad and hit the battery connection and VIOLA it worked! All that money wasted for batteries and it was a cable problem!
It is too costly of a repair to get a cable that fits more snug onto the battery connection.
One day my car just wouldn't start - all the electric was out - I thought it was a bad battery - got a new one - all was good for a few days - happened again - got a new battery - was good again for awhile then problem started again - I got mad and hit the battery connection and VIOLA it worked! All that money wasted for batteries and it was a cable problem!
It is too costly of a repair to get a cable that fits more snug onto the battery connection.
- chicgurl1974, Hallam, PA, US