First noticed rust along the bottom of tail gate. I thought their might be a leak in the seal of the door & planned to have it looked it & replaced. Then noticed 2 weeks ago rust bubbles along the edge of my passenger quarter panel above the wheel well. I had to jump someone & when opening my hood this week I noticed more rust starting now on the edge of my hood. Corrosion warranty 5 years my 5 years were up earlier this year. Also warranty seems to only cover it if it actually rusts through. We will be trading this in soon before it gets much worse.
First noticed rust along the bottom of tail gate. I thought their might be a leak in the seal of the door & planned to have it looked it & replaced. Then noticed 2 weeks ago rust bubbles along the edge of my passenger quarter panel above the wheel well. I had to jump someone & when opening my hood this week I noticed more rust starting now on the edge of my hood. Corrosion warranty 5 years my 5 years were up earlier this year. Also warranty seems to only cover it if it actually rusts through. We will be trading this in soon before it gets much worse.
- Karen R., Fort Wayne, IN, US