WiFi worked in the vehicle for a little over two weeks, then the error message: WiFi connected, Internet not available continues to come up. I have contacted the provider, AT&T, three times, Jeep Cares twice, and UConnect customer service once. Have spent a lot of time on hold, but getting the run around everywhere. Jeep/FCA does not even acknowledge the problem, yet it is prevalent all over the Jeep forums and easily searchable on the web.
WiFi worked in the vehicle for a little over two weeks, then the error message: WiFi connected, Internet not available continues to come up. I have contacted the provider, AT&T, three times, Jeep Cares twice, and UConnect customer service once. Have spent a lot of time on hold, but getting the run around everywhere. Jeep/FCA does not even acknowledge the problem, yet it is prevalent all over the Jeep forums and easily searchable on the web.
- Deborah P., Taos, US