At 68000 miles I took our MKS into the dealership because of a bit of a noise coming from the transmission. Dealer said they didn't find anything out of the ordinary. 20000 miles or so later my transfer case springs a leak, replaced the seal for $250. Didn't fix the problem now the whole transfer case is trash. $1200. for a new replacement. I find out from the Ford dealer they are upwards of 2 a month replacing these cases. No recall? Obviously a big issue. I believe the same transfer case is used in the Explorer as well. $40,000 car. what a joke.
At 68000 miles I took our MKS into the dealership because of a bit of a noise coming from the transmission. Dealer said they didn't find anything out of the ordinary. 20000 miles or so later my transfer case springs a leak, replaced the seal for $250. Didn't fix the problem now the whole transfer case is trash. $1200. for a new replacement. I find out from the Ford dealer they are upwards of 2 a month replacing these cases. No recall? Obviously a big issue. I believe the same transfer case is used in the Explorer as well. $40,000 car. what a joke.
- George M., Winnebago, IL, US