The dashboard showed cracks out of the blue today when I took the car in the evening to pick up my kids.
Now, I see that dashboard shows signs of cold burns.
Appears this is poor quality of dashboard material and Mazda MUST fix it.
Quite annoying to see such a damage on inside of the car. It is bad as Mazda claims that their craftsmanship is top notch quality on the lines of Mercedes...
I was so happy with Mazda so far but with this, am really suspecting...
Am going to call dealer to find really see next steps.
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The dashboard showed cracks out of the blue today when I took the car in the evening to pick up my kids.
Now, I see that dashboard shows signs of cold burns.
Appears this is poor quality of dashboard material and Mazda MUST fix it.
Quite annoying to see such a damage on inside of the car. It is bad as Mazda claims that their craftsmanship is top notch quality on the lines of Mercedes...
I was so happy with Mazda so far but with this, am really suspecting...
Am going to call dealer to find really see next steps.
- Koteswara G., Harrisburg, US