Yesterday, my car was overheating. It seems strange, because its only 1.5 month since my last general check. Mazda states that they have done all general checks with my car, change the engine oil, and replace fan belts. But yet, yesterday, it was overheating. I put regular water on the reservoir as well as radiator, it seems OK, the radiator signs were off and the heat back to normal. Today, I check again, and the water in the coolant system has almost empty, Can anybody tell me what happens with my car, any potential problems, and how much it cost to fix it?
Yesterday, my car was overheating. It seems strange, because its only 1.5 month since my last general check. Mazda states that they have done all general checks with my car, change the engine oil, and replace fan belts. But yet, yesterday, it was overheating. I put regular water on the reservoir as well as radiator, it seems OK, the radiator signs were off and the heat back to normal. Today, I check again, and the water in the coolant system has almost empty, Can anybody tell me what happens with my car, any potential problems, and how much it cost to fix it?
- Ivan P., Vancouver, BC, Canada