Both headlight assemblies are completely fogged up, on the insides, due to the hair line cracks. No satisfaction from the manufacturer on how to fix the problem or why it happened, other then replace the affected parts. However ford motor company has no idea when, if ever, the parts will be available. In the mean time the car can't pass the state inspection, making it a driveway quin. THANKS FORD, for another "high quality" product.
Both headlight assemblies are completely fogged up, on the insides, due to the hair line cracks. No satisfaction from the manufacturer on how to fix the problem or why it happened, other then replace the affected parts. However ford motor company has no idea when, if ever, the parts will be available. In the mean time the car can't pass the state inspection, making it a driveway quin. THANKS FORD, for another "high quality" product.
- andrewk, Oxford, PA, US