The a/c will not blow cool air. The car has the automatic climate control module. It happened recently and we unhooked the hot wire from the battery. This served to reset the computer. After being unhooked for a few minutes, we re-connected the cable and the a/c worked just fine. This cure worked for about a month. We traveled over 4000 miles and had no problems. Yesterday it happened again. We dislocated the battery cable again and the reconnected it. This time resetting the computer didn't furnish us with a solution. Now that it is getting warm and we need a/c, the a/.c won't blow cool air.
The a/c will not blow cool air. The car has the automatic climate control module. It happened recently and we unhooked the hot wire from the battery. This served to reset the computer. After being unhooked for a few minutes, we re-connected the cable and the a/c worked just fine. This cure worked for about a month. We traveled over 4000 miles and had no problems. Yesterday it happened again. We dislocated the battery cable again and the reconnected it. This time resetting the computer didn't furnish us with a solution. Now that it is getting warm and we need a/c, the a/.c won't blow cool air.
- Lois W., Grants, NM, US