the passenger side interior door handle does not work. the exterior handle is the only way to get in and out of the car! My grandmother absolutely loves my little yellow mini cooper, but she has a ROUGH time trying to reach her hand over her should and out the open window and squeeze the exterior handle when she wants to get out of my car! :( now, she doesn't ride with me any more because it's too much trouble for her.
the passenger side interior door handle does not work. the exterior handle is the only way to get in and out of the car! My grandmother absolutely loves my little yellow mini cooper, but she has a ROUGH time trying to reach her hand over her should and out the open window and squeeze the exterior handle when she wants to get out of my car! :( now, she doesn't ride with me any more because it's too much trouble for her.
- kcwilson1991, TUlsa, OK, US