I'm writing about a 2014 Nissan 370Z. I've been driving this car since 2/15/15 when it had 5000 miles. So 40,000 miles later the clutch just goes to the floor and won't come back up. After two stops on my way home and having to manually lift the clutch pedal with my shoe, I turned into my driveway and it wouldn't go into any gear. My son pumped it until it had some pressure and drove it out of the yard but on the return to home it again had to coast into the driveway.
Had Nissan dealer tow to shop. Two mechanics looked at it, bled lines and told me to take it back because they couldn't replicate the problem again. Service manager claimed to have called Nissan who had no recommendations but after reading the other complaints I hardly see how they aren't aware of this problem. The cost was minimal $250, compared to $1225 to replace csc. However, now I'm worried I'll get into a situation where it won't shift and I'll be stranded. Dealer told me they would "work with me" on another towing bill. Said it didn't make sense to replace the csc without getting it to constantly stay on the floor. Here's hoping it really doesn't happen. How do I get on a list to be notified of this class action suit about this problem????? How do I get on a recall list if Nissan finally decides to do something about it???? As much as I LOVE this car, maybe I should think about trading it.
I'm writing about a 2014 Nissan 370Z. I've been driving this car since 2/15/15 when it had 5000 miles. So 40,000 miles later the clutch just goes to the floor and won't come back up. After two stops on my way home and having to manually lift the clutch pedal with my shoe, I turned into my driveway and it wouldn't go into any gear. My son pumped it until it had some pressure and drove it out of the yard but on the return to home it again had to coast into the driveway.
Had Nissan dealer tow to shop. Two mechanics looked at it, bled lines and told me to take it back because they couldn't replicate the problem again. Service manager claimed to have called Nissan who had no recommendations but after reading the other complaints I hardly see how they aren't aware of this problem. The cost was minimal $250, compared to $1225 to replace csc. However, now I'm worried I'll get into a situation where it won't shift and I'll be stranded. Dealer told me they would "work with me" on another towing bill. Said it didn't make sense to replace the csc without getting it to constantly stay on the floor. Here's hoping it really doesn't happen. How do I get on a list to be notified of this class action suit about this problem????? How do I get on a recall list if Nissan finally decides to do something about it???? As much as I LOVE this car, maybe I should think about trading it.
- zoom8646, East New Market, US