I hate Nissan with a passion. This is the fourth or fifth time my car was at the dealership for repairs. It has broken down on me and many other things and it isn't that old. I was told that I could get a loaner when my car was in the shop, but now the program has gone away so not only am I having to pay $1700 but I also have to get kids to daycare and get to work on my own. I will never buy a Nissan again.
I hate Nissan with a passion. This is the fourth or fifth time my car was at the dealership for repairs. It has broken down on me and many other things and it isn't that old. I was told that I could get a loaner when my car was in the shop, but now the program has gone away so not only am I having to pay $1700 but I also have to get kids to daycare and get to work on my own. I will never buy a Nissan again.
- tatiyyana, Alexandria, VA, US