Don't buy this car, it is a disaster , The Dealer is requesting $1000 just to disassemble and pull the engine out of the car to take the engine block out and investigate why it this hole happened and what needs to be fixed.
it is a core manufacturing problem , how could a car with 38,000 KM with maintenance done every 5000KM have such problem.
Please I am advising you don't go to Nissan ever .
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Don't buy this car, it is a disaster , The Dealer is requesting $1000 just to disassemble and pull the engine out of the car to take the engine block out and investigate why it this hole happened and what needs to be fixed.
it is a core manufacturing problem , how could a car with 38,000 KM with maintenance done every 5000KM have such problem.
Please I am advising you don't go to Nissan ever .
- amr_shn, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia